Journal of Dermatology Research and Skin Care

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Tattoo and warts: Efficacy of topical immunotherapy

World Dermatologist Summit and Skin Care Expo
October 30-31, 2017 | Toronto, Canada

Luca Fania

Istituto Dermopatico dell’Immacolata-FLMM, Italy

Scientific Tracks Abstracts : Dermatol Res Skin Care


In recent decades, the practice of tattooing has greatly diffused and is performed worldwide. During this practice, many infections can transmit as Human papillomavirus that can present after weeks of months with viral warts. The inoculation of the dye can promote an altered local immune response area, named immunocompromised district that can lead, after long latency period from the practice of the tattoo, to cutaneous disorders. We present two cases of multiple viral verruca localized on polychrome tattoo that were performed many years before. This skin infection has been successfully treated with contact immunotherapy that is squaric acid dibutylester (SADBE), without alterations of the tattoos.


Luca Fania is Chief Medical Officer of Bone Dermatologist at IRCCS Dermopathic Institute of Immigration (IDI) in Rome and Dermatologist Consultant at the private Villa Stuart, Rome. He was the winner of the PhD in Oncology Sciences at the A Gemelli Hospital in Rome and therefore deals with Dermatological Surgery of organ transplant patients and carries out a research project in the skin cancer of transplanted patient’s organ. He specializes in lode in dermatology and venereology at the Catholic University of the sacred heart of Rome and has held the internship as Attendant Physician at the Institute of Clinical Dermatophilopathy of the University Hospital A Gemelli of Rome.

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