Materials Science and Nanotechnology

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Sustainable development in the Energy and environment due to involvement of Nanotechnology

May 06-07, 2022 | Webinar

Sawan Graak, Madhu Yadav

Kurukshetra University, India

Scientific Tracks Abstracts : Mater Sci Nanotechnol


Nanotechnology is the engineering that works on the molecular scale. Nanotechnology is improving rapidly and improving human life in many aspects. We are witnesses to the growth of Nanotechnology in the past two decades. Nanotechnology plays a key role in many sectors whereas Energy and Environment are also part of it. Energy and Environment are the two important keys to sustainable living. In the current scenario, the world is looking for the window that can help us in reducing the wastage of energy and reduction in pollutants. In the Environment, Nanotechnology is used in waste management Air Pollution, Water and Wastewater Treatment, and Nanomaterials safety. However, In the case of Energy, Nanotechnology is used in environment-friendly Clean energy, energy production, power transmission, Storage of energy and conversion, Thermal Insulation, and Solar Power.


Sawan Graak, has completed his M.Tech. in Energy and Environmental Management from Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, India. Currently, he is working as an Environment Executive in World Bank Funded Project. He has done various projects in Material Science during his M.Sc. Physics on the topic of As deposited Microstructure of Spray Formed Al-6Si-10Pb Alloys andonthetopic of “Study of heat stress on rabi crop production in Haryana using remote sensing” in Remote Sensing during MTech, from Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India.

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