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Successful pregnancy outcome in retrograde ejaculation - interesting case report

World Congress on Embryology and In vitro Fertilization
November 02-03, 2017 | Chicago, USA

Kaberi Banerjee

Advanced Fertility and Gynecology Center, India

Keynote : Res Rep Gynaecol Obstet


Retrograde ejaculation is the most common cause for ejaculatory dysfunction and it accounts for 0.3–2% of male infertility. It is a condition in which no or minimal antegrade ejaculate is produced although orgasm is present and all the sensations of ejaculation may be present. The common etiologies are surgical causes (bladder neck surgery, retroperitoneal lymph node dissection surgery for testicular cancer or prostate surgery), medications (high blood pressure, prostate enlargement and depression) and nerve damage causes (diabetes, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease or a spinal cord injury). In our case report, 22-year-old female presented with primary infertility with regular periods and ultrasound showed polycystic pattern of ovary. Husband semen analysis showed aspermia with history of cloudy urine. The diagnosis of retrograde ejaculation was made. The sperms collected from urine showed low count and motility and IVF with ICSI was advised. The female became pregnant in first cycle only and ultrasound showed single live fetus.


Kaberi Banerjee is a seasoned Obstetrician and Gynecologist with more than a decade of experience in IVF infertility management. She is an infertility and IVF Specialist, trained from the prestigious Guys and St. Thomas Hospital, London, where she went as a commonwealth scholar. She has spent three years in London (UK) and done rigorous training in infertility and IVF. She has worked as Senior IVF specialist in major corporate hospitals in Delhi and performed more than 3000 IVF cycles so far. Her field of expertise includes repeat IVF failures and its treatment, donor and surrogacy procedures. She is currently working as a Clinical Director of Advanced Fertility and Gynecology Center, New Delhi. She has received many renowned national awards, including IMA award in IVF in 2007 and Bharat Jyoti Award in 2008, for outstanding contribution in Medicine. She is the organizing chairperson of CUPART (Current Practices and Recent Advances in ART), an International organization to facilitate right treatment and research in fertility and IVF; founded in the year 2011. She has also been a key speaker in this field in many national and international platforms.

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