Materials Science and Nanotechnology

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Statistical analysis of fatigue test in jute reinforced polyester composites using Weibull distribution

2nd International Conference on Materials Science and Engineering
February 25-26, 2019 | Paris, France

Djeghader D

Mohammed Sedik Ben-Yahia University, Algeria

Posters & Accepted Abstracts : Mater Sci Nanotechnol


In this research, the unsaturated polyester resin (polylite 420-852) is used in combination with bidirectional jute fiber to generate composites materials by a contact molding technique. The parameter which was carried out on the prepared samples was impact test to plot the S-N curve, which is based on Wöhler equation. Two-parameter Weibull probability was used for analysis statistically the fatigue life results of composite jute/polyester samples. Weibull graphic was plotted for each loading level using fatigue data. Then, S–N curves were drawn for different reliability levels (Ps=99%, Ps=90%, Ps=50%, Ps=36.8% and Ps=10%) using Weibull data. These S-N curves were introduced to the identification of the first failure time as reliability and safety limits of the material.



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