Otolaryngology Online Journal

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Relationship of step section and accuracy of pathologic diagnosis of Thyroid Cancers

10th International Conference on Otolarngology: ENT Surgery
May 15, 2023 | Webinar

Mohammad Reza Golrokhian Sani, MD, Mph, N.Mokhtari Amir Majdi, MD, V. Derhami. MD

NOSM University, Canada

Scientific Tracks Abstracts : Otolaryngology Online Journal


Objective: This case history shows the significance of the step section to be performed on any Primary follicular neoplasm or extrathyroidal neck mass containing thyroid tissue. The material for pathologic diagnosis was a neck mass removed from the left tracheoesophageal groove in a 43-yearold lady whose right hemithyroidectomy was performed by the authors fourteen years ago(Mrs.D.).Her previous pathologic report was Follicular Adenoma. The report on her new pathologic specimen was "benign thyroid tissue." However, this report did not match her previous medical history, and we requested a step section (extensive leveling) to be performed on the specimen. Her final pathologic diagnosis was "near-total replacement of a lymph node by minimally invasive thyroid carcinoma." She underwent a total thyroidectomy and central neck dissection, followed by our team for seven years, and the disease is utterly controlled. Unfortunately, the minimal capsular invasion was missed in the primary thyroid, leading to secondary lymph node involvement. If the lymph node nearly completely involved with minimal follicular carcinoma was ignored, it could make more extensive involvement. Therefore, step sectioning for every thyroid pathology is crucial to find the minimal invasion of the thyroid capsule.


Mohammad Reza Golrokhian Sani is an otolaryngologist- Head and Neck surgeon who completed his clinical fellowship in Otology neurotology in 2012 from the University of Toronto. He also completed a master of epidemiology from Lakehead University. He has been chair of continuing Medical Education at NOSM University since 2019 and part of the research committee at this University. As a teacher in medicine, he is always interested in reviewing his previous clinical works and finding his pitfalls to help health promotion. This study is part of his surgeries that allows the young surgeon to ask more questions from their teams to optimize the surgical outcome and decrease the recurrences of diseases. He has more than 20 recent publications in Pubmed. They are all original studies.

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