Journal of Medical Oncology and Therapeutics

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Range of motion and upper limb function in postoperative mastectomy compared to quadrantectomy

13th World Cancer Congress
February 25-26, 2019 | Paris, France

Maria de Lourdes Silva Marques Ferreira

University of Sao Paulo – UNESP, Brazil

Posters & Accepted Abstracts : J Med Oncl Ther


Breast cancer is worldwide incident among women, whose surgery is frequent and associated with numerous functional changes. The objective of this study is to assess the range of motion and upper limb function postoperatively before and after physiotherapy intervention of women who underwent mastectomy and quadrantectomy. This is interventional study, descriptive and exploratory, quantitative approach, with 64 women undergoing conservative surgery and mastectomy with follow up at the gynecology outpatient clinic and referred for physical therapy at the Hospital das Clinicas, UNESP. Goniometry of flexion / extension, abduction / adduction and internal rotation / side was performd, measures performed before and three months after the herapy. The chi square test with 0.005 significance level showed that quadrantectomy or mastectomy, not differentiated in relation to the variables; schooling, family income, color, marital status, religion, breast affected, clinical staging, menarche, body mass index and contraceptive methods. There was no association between type of surgery and the median age (type 1: 55 (37- 57) x 2 type: 54 (37-82), p = 0.331 by Mann-Whitney). After physiotherapy, the flexion of the homo- and contralateral arm, as well as the homolateral abduction and homolateral extension increased significantly in both surgeries. The contralateral abduction was maintained in both surgeries. The physiotherapeutic intervention provided a significant improvement in the range of movements.



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