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QKD as a service

Virtual Meet on 2nd International Conference on Quantum Physics
September 02, 2021 | Webinar

Bhagvan Kommadi

Founder of Architect Corner, India

Scientific Tracks Abstracts : Mater Sci Nanotechnol


QKD as a service is based on key agreement protocols, McEliece Cryptosystemand encrypted OTP. Quantum key distribution algorithms will be quantum resistant. Quantum Key distribution as a service will cater to multiple users and generate keys in parallel. Quantum key distribution signals can be generated simultaneously and sent using an optical channel. This is using the key management service pattern which is available in Google, Amazonand Microsoft cloud. The key states are managed through the key management services. The states are generated, used, rotatedand destroyed. QKD as a service helps in avoiding attacks and errors. Qubits cannot be replicated because of the law of physics. The secret key is not saved in the Quantum key distribution data stores. The key security is improved because of not saving the quantum keys. Quantum keys are based on the photon properties for sharing bits between source and destination. The quantum information is used for the generation of the keys. The interception of the key is identified as there is a change in the quantum state. The keys which are corrupted will be rejected. The randomness of the keys will be real and hackproof. Many countries are doing research into developing post-quantum public key cryptography to tackle and defend real-world communications systems from the threat of a future quantum computer The limitations of the existing QKD systems are because of the short effective range of transmissionand the fact that BB84* and similar proposals are fundamentally point-topoint protocols. Some of them are trying to integrate QKD with classical network devices. This approach invalidates any claimed guarantee of security. Since this is based on the laws of quantum mechanics and creates an array of new concerns about the security properties of the ancillary network devices. The hardware-based approach is expensive for maintenance. The software can be patched remotely and at a lesser cost. The software can be replaced when it degradesand vulnerabilities are discovered. We are creating a device independent QKD which will be a key differentiator in the QKD market space. We plan to constantly work on adding features to tackle quantum resistance. We are working on making QKD handle Denial of Service attacks that are not supported by other QKD systems.


Bhagvan Kommadi is the Founder of Architect Corner - an AI start-up and has 20 years of experience. He has a Master's in Industrial Systems Eng. at Georgia Tech. He is now the Director of Product Eng. at Value Momentum. He founded Quantica Computacao, the first quantum computing start-up in India. Markets and Markets have positioned Quantica Computacao in the 'Emerging Companies' section of Quantum Computing quadrants. The company's focus is on developing quantum cryptographic tools, which will provide quantum-proof data security, which will help the banking institution to protect their transactions.
He has written a book titled "Quantum Computing Solutions". He has presented in IEEE, Avios, Astricon, Devconand PyCon before on topics such as Adaptive Learning, AI Coder, He has written Packt Publishing - Hands-On Data Structures and Algorithms with Go and Paytech book on The Payment Technology Handbook for Investors, Entrepreneursand FinTech Visionaries.

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