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Power, the underlying psychosocial factor in sexual trauma

3rd Global Summit on Psychiatry and Psychotherapie
November 10, 2022 | Webinar

Maryam Hazeghazm

Maryam Hazeghazm Jesse Brown Veteran Affair Medical Center, Women Health Clinic, Chicago

Scientific Tracks Abstracts : J Psychol Cognition


The reports on the adverse impact of sexual trauma on mental health are known to the medical community. In recent years we have encountered a significant increase in the reported cases of sexual trauma. In workplaces where power hierarchy is an essence for the organization, like the military, there has been a tsunami of reports on sexual trauma. Empathy plays a defining role in human relationships and development. An article recently written in connection with MeToo” movement discussed how gaining power in men correlates with the reduction in empathy. In this study, the association between power and sexual trauma was explored. We studied the prevalence of sexual assault caused by a higher rank serviceman among our women veterans’ population. A retrospective chart review was conducted in Women Mental Health Clinic over 11 months period. A total of 117 charts were reviewed from 03/2019 to 02/2020. The information of 42 patients with sexual trauma were analyzed and various statistical parameters were calculated.


Dr. Maryam Hazeghazam MD PhD is an attending psychiatrist at the women health clinic at Jesse Brown VA medical Center in Chicago. She received her PhD in Biochemistry from Kansas State University in 1993. She completed her MD from Medical University of Americas and residency in adult Psychiatry at Maricopa Medical Center (Valley wise) in Phoenix AZ. She worked as the chief psychiatrist at the inpatient medical-psychiatry unit of Maricopa MC in Phoenix AZ before joining Jesse Brown VA Medical center (JBVAMC), Chicago in 2018. She is currently working as an attending psychiatrist at the women health clinic of JBVAMC.

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