Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology

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Polymorphism of 16srrna gene and its association with pathogenecity and antimicrobial resistance of free ranged chicken

5th Global Experts Meeting on Infectious Diseases
August 08-09, 2022 | Webinar

Armah Emmanuel Odartei

CSIR Water Research Institute, Ghana

Scientific Tracks Abstracts : J Infectious Disease Med Microbiol


Scavenging local chicken, Gallus domesticus are predominant among other poultry in African villages, owing to their relatively low input requirement in their rearing.Few researches focused on the career rate of pathogens based on housing system of poultry, and a fewer studies highlight the genetic basis for these differences. Objective: This study intends to investigate the molecular and genetic differences that exists between E. coli isolated from local scavenging chicken based on their different housing systems.400 oral-pharyngeal and cloacae swabs were collected from 200 scavenging local chicken. Isolation of Escherichia coli. Procedures used were as described in the Bacterial Analytical Manual (BAM 2007). Extraction of DNA based on manufacturer’s protocol.16SrRNA sequencing the 16S rRNA genes in the Escherichia coli isolates were detected by PCR and sequenced. Sequenced genes of E.coli from the two different housing systems produced distinct haplotypes, no two samples shared same haplotype. The phylogenic tree revealed that pathogens from the two housing systems are genetically, distinct as they are found on different clades of the tree .The sequence alignment shows that samples from the two different systems have different nucleotide sequence arrangements, an indication of genetic dissimilarity. The intensive system showed more resistance than the extensively kept ones; this may be because the former receive more vaccines whiles the later scavenge mainly for food Conclusion: Thus, the 16SrRNA gene can also be used as a molecular marker to indicate the antimicrobial resistance and pathogenicity of chicken. More research should focus on scavenging local chicken


Emmanuel Odartei Armah is a Principal Research Technologist with the Water Research Institute, CSIR-Ghana. He holds a Master of Science in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology. His research interests include Antimicrobial resistance, Fish Health and Fish Genetics, Population Genetics in Schistosomiasis. He has a total of 12 publications. He intends to establish a Center for Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance which would be solely responsible for conducting routine surveillance of antimicrobial resistance of relevant in human, environment and veterinary (One Health).

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