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Play safe, play smart: understanding and managing pediatric sports injuries

4th World Congress on Pediatrics and Clinical Pediatrics
July 01, 2023 | Webinar

Pratik Sunil Tawri

Bombay Hospital Institute of Medical Sciences, India

Scientific Tracks Abstracts : Curr Pediatr Res


Pediatric sports injuries have become a significant concern in recent years due to the increasing participation of children and adolescents in organized sports activities. These injuries can have long-term consequences on the physical and psychological well-being of young athletes. Effective management strategies for pediatric sports injuries involve a multidisciplinary approach. Immediate first aid, accurate diagnosis, and appropriate medical intervention are crucial for minimizing the extent of the injury and promoting recovery. Prevention is key in mitigating the occurrence of pediatric sports injuries. Early identification of risk factors and monitoring of the growth and development of young athletes can aid in preventing and managing potential injuries. Psychological support and counselling are also essential for addressing the emotional and mental well-being of young athletes during the recovery process. In conclusion, pediatric sports injuries pose a significant challenge in the realm of youth sports. Through a comprehensive approach encompassing prevention, early identification, proper management, and psychological support, the impact of these injuries on young athletes can be minimized, allowing them to pursue their sporting endeavours safely and with optimal health outcomes.


Pratik Sunil Tawri is an accomplished orthopaedic surgeon with a special interest in pediatric and sports orthopaedics. He completed his M.S. in Orthopaedics from the prestigious Bombay Hospital Institute in Mumbai, India. He is expertise and commitment to advancing the field of orthopaedics are reflected in his extensive involvement in research and academia. He has been invited to present his clinical work at numerous national and international conferences and meetings. His exceptional clinical case presentation at the Arthroplasty meet in AIIMS, New Delhi earned him the esteemed title of the best clinical case. Additionally, his outstanding paper presentation at the WIROC GLOBAL Orthopaedic conference earned him the coveted Best Paper Presentation award. Recognizing his academic excellence, Dr. Tawri was awarded the prestigious ICMR studentship for two consecutive years. He has also showcased his talent in sports, demonstrating his exceptional skills both on and off the field.

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