Ophthalmology Case Reports

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March 27-28, 2019 | Amsterdam, Netherlands

Sanjay Kamat

Bucks & Briggs Eye Specialists, USA

Scientific Tracks Abstracts : Ophthalmol Case Rep


Corrective refractive surgery, most commonly in the form of LASIK, PRK, ICL or CLE (clear lens exchange), require deliberate execution for all patients of varying etiology. In 2017 I performed a combination refractive treatment on a patient with Degenerative Myopia; axiallength of approximately 31.0 mm OU. The 40 year old patient presented with early onset of bilateral cataracts and a primary complaint of difficulty driving at night. Historically, the patient had relied on full time contact lens wear for daily functionality. A determination was made totarget 100% of the patient’s refractive error, approximating -16.0 Diopters of correction OUwith additional astigmatic correction OU as well. In order to achieve my goal of minimal residual post-operative prescription, 3surgeries in total per eye would be required: small incision cataract extraction with multifocal implantation, posterior Yag laser capsulotomy and follow up PRK. Understanding the limitations and onlabel parameters of modern IOL technology, it was apparent this would be an unorthodox, and some would consider, controversial endeavor.


Sanjay Kamat, D.O. earned his medical degree from The University of Health Sciences College of Osteopathic Medicine in Kansas City Missouri and completed his undergraduate education at Pennsylvania State University. A Pennsylvania native, he completed his internship and residency at the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. After becoming Board Certified, Dr. Kamat was Attending Ophthalmologist at Albert Einstein Medical Center before pursuing his dream of becoming proprietor of his own private practice. Today, Dr. Kamat has realized that dream as he is the owner, president, and Ophthalmologist of Bucks Eye Specialists and Briggs Eye Specialists in his home town of Yardley, PA& Mount Laurel, New Jersey. He specializes in small incision cataract surgery, minimally invasive glaucoma surgery, refractive surgery, and functional oculoplastics.

E-mail: drsanjaykamat@gmail.com

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