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Physiotherapy project of the GP′s cluster model program in Hungary

4th Euro-Global Physiotherapy Congress 2017
December 07-08, 2017 Rome, Italy

Ilona Balajti

University of Debrecen, Hungary

Scientific Tracks Abstracts : J Phys Ther Sports Med


The provision of health promoting services is included in the competences of physiotherapists in addition to rehabilitative tasks provided in specialized care. Therefore, physiotherapists integrated seamlessly into the Primary Care Development Model Programme. Physiotherapeutic services in the GP clusters were implemented at different levels of prevention, and in all clusters included programmes such as spinal training, improvement of motility and endurance, treatment of various problems of the musculoskeletal system, and exercise programs for weight loss. Efficiency of the physiotherapy services was supported by surveys on health status and quality of life as well as physical status examinations yielding significantly improved results. A patient satisfaction survey conducted among participants of physiotherapeutic interventions showed that over 90% of the clients were satisfied with these types of services. Recent Publications: 1. Balajti I, Vokó Z, Ádány R and Kósa K (2007) A koherencia-erzes meresere szolgáló rövidített kerd?ív es a lelki egeszseg (GHQ-12) kerd?ív magyar nyelv? változatainak validálása. Mentálhigiene es Pszichoszomatika. 2:147-161. 2. Bíró E, Balajti I, Ádány R, Kósa K: Determinants of mental wellbeing of medical students. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. 45 (2): 253-258. 3. I Balajti, L Daragó, R Ádány, K Kósa (2010) College students’ response rate to an incentivized combination of postal and web-based health survey. Evaluation & the Health Professions. 33 (2): 164-176. 4. Nemethne-Gyurcsik Zsuzsanna, Rádi Beáta and Veres-Balajti Ilona (2011) A tartáshibák korai felismerese, merese fizioterápiás módszerekkel, es a preventio lehet?sege nagycsoportos óvodások köreben. Fizioterápia. 20 (3): 13-16. 5. Bíró E, Veres-Balajti I, Ádány R, Kósa K (2014) Social cognitive intervention reduces stress in Hungarian university students. Health promotion international X. 1-7.


Balajti I., Vokó Z., Ádány R., Kósa K.: A koherencia-erzes meresere szolgáló rövidített kerd?ív es a lelki egeszseg (GHQ-12) kerd?ív magyar nyelv? változatainak validálása. Mentálhigiene es Pszichoszomatika 2007; 2:147161. Bíró E., Balajti I., Ádány R., Kósa K: Determinants of mental wellbeing of medical students. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 2010; 45(2):253-258. I. Balajti, L. Daragó, R. Ádány, K. Kósa: College students’ response rate to an incentivized combination of postal and web-based health survey. Evaluation & the Health Professions, 2010, 33(2, 164-176 Balajti I., Daragó L., Bíró E., Ádány R., Kósa K.: A tanárjelöltek egeszsegszemleletenek felmerese. Nepegeszsegügy 2008; 86:36-42. Nemethne-Gyurcsik Zsuzsanna, Rádi Beáta, Veres-Balajti Ilona: A tartáshibák korai felismerese, merese fizioterápiás módszerekkel, es a preventio lehet?sege nagycsoportos óvodások köreben. Fizioterápia 2011, 20(3):13-16. Bíró E, Veres-Balajti I, Ádány R, Kósa K: Social cognitive intervention reduces stress in Hungarian university students. Health promotion international X: pp. 1-7. (2014) Bíró E, VeresBalajti I, Kósa K: Social support contributes to resilience among physiotherapy students: a cross sectional survey and focus group study. Physiotherapy : p. online first june 5. (2015) Veres-Balajti I, Molics B: Experience of GPs’ cluster operations from the view of the physiotherapist. Nepegeszsegügy (2017).

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