Materials Science and Nanotechnology

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Joint Event on International Conference on ADVANCED MATERIALS AND POLYMER SCIENCE & International Conference and Expo on SEPARATION TECHNIQUES
October 19-20, 2018 | Tokyo, Japan

T Y Yeh

National University of Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Posters & Accepted Abstracts : Mater Sci Nanotechnol


Explore the integration of plant growth hormones and chelating vegetation restoration soils contaminated with molybdenum and further assessment of energy crops sunflower heavy-metal contamination of soil remediation operation -cum- related environmental factors intended. By experiment and explore plant growth hormones and heavy metals on the growth scenario explants (explants morphological analysis). The experiment results indicate that GA3 can increase the growth rate of the plant. The average increment of the heavy-metal-added-only group is 21.0 cm; the average increment of the GA3-added group is 21.9 cm; the average increment of the EDDS-added group is 20.3 cm; the average increment of the GA3+EDDS-added group is 21.7 cm. Compared with the conventional methods of phytoremediation, these integrated measures can spur the growth of plants.



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