Journal of Medical Oncology and Therapeutics

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12th International Conference on CANCER STEM CELLS AND ONCOLOGY RESEARCH
July 18-19, 2019 | Valencia, Spain

Xu Chen

Ashford University-University of the Rockies, USA

Scientific Tracks Abstracts : J Med Oncl Ther


During the last four decades, cancer rates over all went up. Among them, thyroid cancer rate went up even more. Because thyroid cancer has a high survival rate, every year, more people are living with this cancer. During the cancer remission time, every day practice, such as the food you eat, water you drink, a small walk, social support or mental status can be key factors in cancer survival. To understand these key factors, this researcher went through thousands of threads in Yahoo Thyroid cancer long term survivor support group and summarized the possible best practices in thyroid cancer long term survival. Also, this researcher will tentatively discuss the reasons behind different people’s various reactions towards the same treatments.


Xu Chen holds a BA in Biology and MS in Exercise Science from The College of St. Scholastica. Currently, she is working on her Doctor of Psychology through Ashford University. Besides being a student, she is a performing actor around Boston area.


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