Case Reports in Surgery and Invasive Procedures

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Liposculpture under local anesthesia, 21 years’ experience

Joint Event on International Conference on Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery & International Conference on Biomarkers
March 11-12, 2019 | London, UK

Luis M Ayala

Fakih Medical Center, UAE

Keynote : Case Rep Surg Invasive Proced


Giorgio Fisher from Italy was the 1st surgeon to perform localized fat removal in 1974. Doctors Illuoz and Fournier from France started modern liposuction in 1978. Dr. Klein from USA changed history with his tumescent solution in 1985. In 1996 I started performing liposculpture under local anesthesia to avoid risks related to general anesthesia. I have done 13181 cases since then. Before surgery patients get blood tests, garment, pictures are taken, BMI, consents. Day of surgery: in Miami and Caracas patients received oral sedation (midazolam syrup). In Dubai I use I/V sedation (midazolam). Infiltration solution that I use is in 1 liter of saline .9= 20cc of lidocaine 2% ( 400mg), 10cc. Sodium Bicarbonate 8.4% (84mg), 1cc of adrenaline. I use what I call “safe zone” with this formula: weight (Kg) X 55mg/Kg/400= Liters to infiltrate. For example if patient weighs 80kg it will be 80 x 55=4400mg of lidocaine max dose. If each litre has 400 mg of lidocaine this patient can receive up to 11 litres. The most frequent area is abdomen, waist, flanks, upper back (88%), thighs, arms, neck, knees (10%) and others (2%). Fat transfer has increased from 15% (1996- 2006) to 85% (2006-2017). Most popular area to transfer fat= Buttocks (83%), Face (12%), Hands (4%). Complications Major = None. Wound infection = 0.03%. Hypercromia = 0.02%. Seroma = 0.0075%. I explain to my patient that I’ll do the 1st step (liposculpture) but diet and exercise are very important in order to have a great result. I have a wonderful team (anaesthesiologist, nutritionist, nurses, therapists and patient coordinators). Take pictures (“post-surgery amnesia”), keep patients inside the safe zone, keep record of patient’s weight, I perform Lipo in a hospital and in a day surgical center (fully accredited)


Luis M Ayala has an extensive experience in plastic surgery more than 27 years. He is from Miami, USA, born in Venezuela and studied plastic, esthetics and reconstructive surgery from 1991-1994 in Paris, France where he received a summa cum laude distinction. His domain of expertise covers liposculpture using local anesthesia, facial, breast surgery, hair transplant, Botox, fillers. For him plastic surgery is an art. In 1996 he started doing liposculpture under local anesthesia in order to avoid risks related to general anesthesia. More than 13,000 cases prove that is the way to go to be safe and get great results. He works in Dubai UAE since 2017. 


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