Journal of Medical Oncology and Therapeutics

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Laser acupuncture for adolescents with osteosarcoma- A randomized simple blind study

16th International Conference on Oncology Nursing and Cancer Care
April 15-16, 2019 | Frankfurt, Germany

Cristiane da Silva Varejao and Fatima Helena do EspĂ­rito Santo

National Cancer Institute, Brazil

Posters & Accepted Abstracts : J Med Oncl Ther


Introduction: Nausea and vomiting are frequent side effects associated with chemotherapy treatments. Evidence-based research demonstrates the effect of acupuncture on relieving these symptoms. The acupuncturist nurse can through a systematized assistance contribute with a complementary therapy to control the emetic symptoms.

Objectives: To evaluate the effects of acupuncture on the relief of nausea and vomiting in children and adolescents who treat osteosarcoma.

Methodology: This is an experimental, randomized, single blind study. The research was carried out in a public reference hospital in the control and treatment of cancer, located in the City of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). We selected adolescents who were undergoing chemotherapy for the treatment of osteosarcoma (high-dose methotrexate, cisplatin and doxorubicin). Data were collected from March to November 2015. Participants were divided into two groups: A and B. In group A, true acupuncture was applied to the acupuncture and placebo acupuncture. Laser acupuncture was applied on the first day of chemotherapy. Participants were followed up 1 to 5 days after QT.

Results: Data analysis indicates that there was a significant relief of nausea in the intervention group when compared to the placebo group. There was also a decrease in the number of episodes of vomiting on the second and third days after chemotherapy. Comparing the intervention group with the placebo group, on days 1, 4 and 5 there was no significant difference in relation to the number of episodes of vomiting.

Conclusion: Laser acupuncture has been shown to be effective in relieving nausea in children undergoing chemotherapy for osteosarcoma treatment, laser acupuncture was shown to be effective in reducing the number of episodes of vomiting on days 2 and 3 after chemotherapy. This therapy used in addition to standard antiemetic treatment may relieve gastrointestinal toxicity.



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