Journal of Trauma and Critical Care

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Features of the course of generalized associated infection in burn injury (experimental research)

5th International Conference on Wound Care, Tissue Repair and Regenerative Medicine
April 15-16, 2022 | Paris, France

Sakharov S P, Molokova O A, Frolova O I and Molokova A S

Tyumen State Medical University, Russia

Posters & Accepted Abstracts : J Trauma Crit Care


It is known that P.aeruginosa and S.aureus are often cultivated from patients with burn injury, contributing to the generalization of the disease and high mortality. It appears interesting to study the features of the burn disease development in experimental animals infected with the association of P.aeruginosa and S.aureus isolated from patients with burn injury. With associated infection, the severity of vascular, destructive, inflammatory processes in vital organs is significantly greater due to the inability of the body to develop an adequate protective and adaptive response to the combined effect of toxins of dying tissue and bacterial flora. In the lungs - pronounced manifestations of DAD, in the liver and, especially, in the kidneys, intense blood sludge, uneven blood filling, destructive changes in parenchymal cells, in the intestine - hemorrhagic colitis, in the brain - perivascular and pericellular edema of the brain substance. Multiple thrombosis, which is clearly excessive, contributes to a deep violation of the rheological properties of blood and reflects the manifestations of DIC syndrome. The lymphocytic nature of the inflammatory infiltrate with a large number of CD8+ suppressor lymphocytes indicates an autoimmune nature of inflammation. The morphological image of kidney damage corresponds to stage 1-2 of ARF and stage 1-2 of DIC syndrome, leading to the development of renal form of the renal failure. A closed pathological circle is formed, in which shock manifestations in combination with DIC syndrome cause multiple organ failure, which is the cause of death in the period of toxemia. Recent publications 1. Klimenchenko I A, Sakharov S P. Correction of the emotional-volitional sphere in children with disabilities using color therapy. World of Science. Pedagogy and psychology. 2020 ???2. 2. Sakharov S P, and Shen N P. Mechanisms of bacterial complications against the backdrop of burn injuries in the experiment. Messenger of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation, Vol. 13, No. 3, 2016. 3. Sacharov S P, Ivanov V V, Zoroastrov O M, Zo M O. Analysis of lethal outcomes in children with burn dieases. Bulletin of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. Volume 3, ???3 2010.


Sakharov S P is associate professor, candidate of medical sciences, surgeon of the highest qualification category. In 1998 he graduated from the Tyumen State Medical Academy. In 1998 he was enrolled in clinical residency in the specialty "Pediatric Surgery". After graduating from clinical residency, he studied at the graduate school in the specialty "Pediatric Surgery". In 2003, he defended his PhD thesis on the topic: Violation of the immune status and its correction in the treatment of children with burn disease. His research interests are thermal injury, microbiology, immunology, pathology. He is an author of more than 85 scientific papers, including 1 monograph, 8 textbooks, manuals for doctors and guidelines, 6 patents for inventions.

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