Journal of Trauma and Critical Care

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Experience with nobvosorb biodegradable temporising matrix in reconstruction of complex wound

5th International Conference on Wound Care, Tissue Repair and Regenerative Medicine
April 15-16, 2022 | Paris, France

Sally Ng , Henry Li, Pelicia Lim, Edward Stanley,Geoffrey Lee, Sana Lin, Derek Neoh and Julian Liew

Austin Health, Australia

Keynote : J Trauma Crit Care


Background: The NovoSorb biodegradable temporising matrix (BTM) is a synthetic polyurethane dermal matrix used to reconstruct complex wounds including deep dermal and full-thickness burns, necrotising fasciitis and free flap donor site. We hope to further explore its potential applications in this series. Methods: Patients who received BTM application across four centres over an 18-month period were included. Patients were followed up to assess BTM and graft take, the aesthetic, the return of sensation and complications. Results: A total of 27 patients with 35 wounds were identified with a range of aetiologies. Thirty-three wounds had 100% integration of BTM at the time of sealing membrane removal. Seven wounds had partial graft loss that later healed by secondary intention. In two cases, re-epithelialisation occurred with BTM alone without split-skin graft. Conclusion: BTM offers a safe and reliable reconstructive option in challenging wounds that would otherwise require more complex operations. Recent Publications 1. Tay YT, Tang N, Ng SK-H. Management of Folliculitis in Burn Patients. Trichol Cosmetol Open J. 2022; 5(1): 1-3. D 2. Sally Kiu-Huen NG et al. Health-related Quality of Life Measurement Tools for Lymphedema: A Review of the Literature. Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open (2022). 10:e4276 3. Wentian Xiao, Ke Li, Sally Kiu-Huen NG et al. A prospective comparative study of color doppler ultrasound and infrared thermography in the detection of perforators for anterolateral thigh flaps. Annals of Plastic Surgery. (2020). 84:3.


Sally Ng is a Melbourne trained plastic and reconstructive surgeon with a subspeciality interest in cancer reconstructive surgery and complex scar reconstruction in burns. She has extensive experience in the use of the Novosorb biodegradable temporising matrix in burns and complex wound reconstruction with excellent result.

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