Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology

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Evaluation between SALSA and participation scale in adhesion of leprosy patients in a high complexity hospital

5th Global Experts Meeting on Infectious Diseases
August 08-09, 2022 | Webinar

Amanda H Cavalheiro

University of Sao Paulo - USP, Brazil

Scientific Tracks Abstracts : J Infectious Disease Med Microbiol


As a stigmatized disease, leprosy causes, in addition to physical and social limitations, low adherence to treatment. The objective was to evaluate, through validated scales, the physical limitations (SALSA Scale), social limitations (Participation Scale) and the adherence of patients diagnosed with multibacillary leprosy and being followed up at the HCFMRP/USP. Participants were invited to an interview and the SALSA (Screening of Activity Limitation and Safety Awareness) Scales of Participation (scales the restriction to the patient's social participation, especially for those where the disease is highly stigmatized, interfering with their social activities) and Haynes-Sackett adherence were answered. The work was approved by the Ethics Committee under CAAE nº 28669720.7.0000.5440. Most patients had mild or no physical limitations (69.1%). In this study, 59.5% of the patients did not have any significant restrictions, while 9.5% had extreme restrictions in relation to their social participation. By the Haynes-Sackett adherence test,82.5% of the patients were adherent to the treatment. It was possible to verify that there is a statistically significant difference (p<0.007*) between the factors and the percentage of adherents obtained by the Haynes test, being higher in patients "No limitation" and "slight limitation" in relation to "severe limitation" (100% and 94.1%>25.0%). It was also found that patients classified as “Without limitation” or with “slight physical limitation” were 27 times more likely to adhere to treatment (p<0.001*). As for the Participation Scale, it was noted that patients who were classified as “No restriction” or “slight restriction” were 9.2 times more likely to adhere to the treatment (p=0.02*).


Graduated in Pharmacy-Biochemistry from the University of São Paulo (USP), Research and Development Analyst for the Medicines, Cosmetics and Food Industry with project development in the Natural Products area together with USP; Specialist in Pharmacology and Drug Interactions, in health organization management and in Teaching in Higher Education. Health Instructor in education programs for patients with chronic and rare diseases. Taught classes for vocational courses. She has already been a Responsible Pharmacist in a distributor of medicines and drugstores and also worked at hospitals. She is currently Professor of Pharmacy Technician and Master in sciences by USP, working with leprosy patients. Nowadays, is finishing her MBA in Business Management.

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