Journal Clinical Psychiatry and Cognitive Psychology

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Embodiment in the diagnostic account of Alzheimer's Disease

November 21, 2022 | Webinar

Silje Lindstad

University College of Dublin, Ireland

Posters & Accepted Abstracts : J Clin Psychiatry Cog Psychol


Alzheimer´s Disease is the most prevalent cause of dementia in adults over 60. The disease invites for an interesting discussion within the cognitive sciences as it involves diverse assessment procedures and a multiplicity of observations, measures, and perspectives. Traditional theories characterizing Alzheimer´s Disease have described the condition with a focus on the decline in symbolic reasoning, memory, and language skills of its sufferers. A more recent shift towards the idea of embodiment, however, may guide us to pay more attention to how memory and personality are preserved through the body and the endless ways in which an individual affects and is affected by the physical world in a continuous stream of influences. This article will argue for embodiment as an essential complement to current diagnostic accounts of Alzheimer´s Disease for firstly, to assess persons with Alzheimer ´s more holistically and secondly, to better our understanding of such degenerative disorder.


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