Journal of Medical Oncology and Therapeutics

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Effective number of cycle and dose in metastatic castrated resistant Prostatic Cancer in Sudanese patients

13th World Cancer Congress
February 25-26, 2019 | Paris, France

Ehssan M Alnazir Ahmed

Omdurman Islamic University (OIU), Sudan

Posters & Accepted Abstracts : J Med Oncl Ther


Prostate cancer remain the most common cancer in men worldwide. The initial treatment of choice for prostate cancer is androgen deprivation. If resistant develop then Docetaxel becomes the mainstay therapy for patients with metastatic castrated resistant prostate cancer. The main objectives of this study is to evaluate the benefit of docetaxel in patients with metastatic castrated resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) after initial good response to first line hormonal therapy and determine the effective number of cycles and doses of doectaxel. The study design was analytic retrospective study during the years 2017-2013 in the area radioisotope center of Khartoum (RICK), with the population mCRPC. The data collected was from RICK record. Inclusion criteria were any prostatic cancer patient become castrated resistant and now on docetaxel therapy. Procedure was followed with patient files using a Sample size of 60 patients. To conclude, we retrospectively collected 60 patients receiving varying numbers of docetaxel plus prednislone and analyzed the clinical outcomes including performance status, prostatespecific antigen (PSA) response and pain. According to this study we found that docetaxel has effective role in the treatment of mCRPC patients with optimal number of cycles 6 to 8 every 3 weeks and dose of 75 mg.



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