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Drug Abuse related risk factors within people subject to probation order due to illicit drug use

2nd International Conference on Addiction Research and Therapy
May 13-14, 2019 | Prague, Czech Republic

Duygu Altin

Ege University, Turkey

Scientific Tracks Abstracts : J Psychol Cognition


Aim: Drug abuse, which is one of the top reasons for mortality in the world is not easily detected and treated. People using and/or possesing drugs are subject to probation order according to related criminal law in Turkey as it is in many countries all around the world. This study aims to find risk factors related to drug abuse within people referred to probation service, which is one of the most important services in related field since it has the longest direct contact with drug users in Turkey.

Method: The sample has been chosen by random sampling method within people under probation order due to Turkish Criminal Law Article 191. The study is performed with 200 participants who are aged 18-55 years and whose age average is 27.51(±7.01), following written permission taken from General Directorate of Prisons And Detention Houses.During face to face individual interviews, the aim of the study is told to individuals and Informed Consent Form is given to individuals who accept to participate. Then, Personal Information Form and ASSIST( Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test) which is developed by WHO and of which reliability and validity of Turkish version is studied by the researcher are applied. Independent sample t tests are performed between possible risk factors which are working status; previous pobation, criminal, treatment, suicide, psychiatric disorder history of the person and his drug abuse risk level(ASSIST total points).

Findings: Statistically significant results are obtained between working status, previous probation, criminal, treatment, suicide, psychiatric disorder history of the person and his drug abuse risk level( p=0.21;p=0.17; p=0.00; p=0.00; p=0.01; p=0.01 respectively p<0.05).

Results: Above mentioned risk factors provides wider viewpoints not only for further research, but also for intervention and prevention work.


Duygu Altin has completed her MSc from Ege University, Turkey in field of drug addiction and studied in collaboration with World Health Organization. She has also completed addiction counseling education at Capa Medical Faculty, Istanbul and advanced addiction counseling education which lasted for 2 years each. She had her B.A. in field of psychology from Bosphorus University which gives 100% education in English. She works as a probation expert/psychologist/addiction counselor since foundation of the probation system in Turkey. As an executive member of Turkish Probation Officers Association and an official trainer for collegues within Turkish Ministry of Justice, she has attended many international study visits, congresses, EU projects as a speaker. 


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