Journal of Advanced Surgical Research

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4th International Conference and Expo on SURGERY AND TRANSPLANTATION
July 22-23, 2019 | Brussels, Belgium

Walid Odeh

German Board in Oral Implantology, Jordan

Scientific Tracks Abstracts : Adv Surg Res


Author believe that an orthodontist is not only a specialist dentist; he must have knowledge and interesting in art as dentistry is not about teeth treatment but also aesthetic of the face to be a successful orthodontist because science has no end. In some clinical cases in our daily practice we might face bone deficiency to replace missing teeth with dental implants instead of doing second surgery and bone augmentation we can be more conservative depending on orthodontic means such as extrusion of hopeless teeth in other cases we can use mini implants to adjust complicated orthodontic cases and surgical cases such as skeletal open bite or interocclussal space deficiency. This lecture is for Implantologist, Orthodontist and General practitioner. In this lecture he will talk about clinical cases to show the interrelation between ortho, implant and aesthetic dentistry and aesthetic medicine (Botox and Filler) solving clinical cases with no surgery. It`s for specialist dentist and general practitioner. Cases in the lecture will cover extrusion of hopeless anterior centrals to correct bone level before replacing them with dental implant instead of bone augmentation; to gain more interocclussal space by intrusion of opposite posterior teeth; to correct skeletal open bite by using mini implant instead of orthognathic surgery; using mini implant to align tilted teeth to provide space for implant or bridge and some cases about gum smile treatment by mini implant and Botox beside some cases about aesthetic dentistry.


Walid Odeh has completed his BDS from Nisantas Ozal Yuksek Okulu, Marmara University, Turkey. Beside that he has a Master’s degree in Orthodontics from Baghdad University. He is a Fellow of ICCDE (International College of Dental Education). He is a member of International Congress of Oral Implantologist (ICOI) ; American Academy of Implant Dentistry (AAID); Austrian, Turkish Jordanian and Egyptian Implant Association; European Esthetic Association; World Federation of Orthodontics (WFO); Arab Orthodontic Society (AOS) ; German Implant Association (DGZI); American Dental Association (ADA) and; American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine (AAAM). He is treating so many cases of TMJ disorder and gummy smile by Botox, besides participating in many international conferences as a Lecturer in many countries like USA, Germany, Jordan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and many Arab countries.


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