Journal of Diabetology

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Diabetic eye disease and research - A patient's perspective

31st International Conference on DIABETES AND ENDOCRINOLOGY
February 06, 2023 | Webinar

Bernadette Warren

University of London, UK

Scientific Tracks Abstracts : J Diabetol


Much has occurred within the last few years as far as diabetic eye disease research is concerned. In the UK in 2011 only one intravitreal drug was available for these patients and now there are many more and more to come. Biosimilars will make a large difference too when they are available in the near future. This will surely afford greater opportunity for a larger option of treatments for patients. Encouraging patients to take part in research is vital to the work of researchers and ensuring that a valued experience is gained from both sides is important. Understanding what patients understand about research and how much knowledge they have of the process is a key. A good patient experience starts with the understanding of their needs and expectations.


Bernadette Warren was diagnosed with Diabetic Macular Odema (DMO) in 2011. Since losing her job as a teacher due to sight loss she gives HCPs and students the opportunity to understand what living with diabetes and visual impairment is like. These organizations have included universities, hospitals, CCGs, charities and many pharma companies. In 2021 Bernadette alongside the Macular Society set up a DMO support group that supports both patients and carers. She uses much technology to help her manage her diabetes and has seen the real advantage that this brings. Bernadette has a keen interest in research, especially those concerning diabetic eye conditions and is an NIHR BRC Insight advisor. She has taken part in NICE technology appraisals for new treatments for DMO and is a lay member of the NICE Diabetic Retinopathy committee as well as an expert patient for the same organization.

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