Journal of Diabetology

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Diabetes and Endocrinology

30th International Conference on Diabetes and Endocrinology
August 30,2022 | Webinar

Priyanka Bhattacharya

British Dietetic Association, United Kingdom

Scientific Tracks Abstracts : J Diabetol


Diabetes is a metabolic disorder in which either Pancreas does not produce enough insulin or when the body is unable to effectively utilize the Insulin produced which results in high blood sugar levels. WHAT IS THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM & HOW DOES IT WORKS? The endocrine system consists of all glands in your body and those secret hormones. This includes, among others, the pituitary gland in the brain which regulates growth, the ovaries and tastes which control the reproduction and secondary sex characteristics; and the pancreas, which regulates blood sugar and metabolism. The endocrine system works together with the nervous and immune systems to sense changes in your body’s condition and return things to normal. To do this, it releases hormones into the blood steam. Diabetes is two types such as Type-1 and Type-2. Type -2 diabetes can be reversed by dietary and lifestyle changes. Simple lifestyle adjustments can go a long way toward lowering the risk of type 2 diabetes, and all it takes is a little self-control and earnest effort. • Exercise regularly • Maintain a healthy weight • Consume healthy low-glycemic foods • Include whole grains and fiber rich foods in daily diet • Eat lots of fruits and vegetables • Control stress • Avoid alcohol Healthy foods for controlling Type-2 diabetes: Oats, Beans, Green leafy veg, olive oil, Almonds, Avocados, etc. A superfood for Diabetes is Fenugreek seeds which can help regulate Blood sugar levels and insulin levels. Ingredients: 1. Fennel seeds- one teaspoon 2. Ajwain seeds – one teaspoon 3. A dash of honey/lemon 4. Methi seeds – one teaspoon 5. A glass of water.


She is a clinical dietitian and has done her masters in Dietetics and community nutrition management. She is a member of the British dietetic association. Working as a freelancer dietitian all over the world. She is passionate about educating people regarding the truths and myths of health through the blogs on her Facebook page @ dtpriyankabhattacharya. Her belief in the fact that eating healthily, maintaining a balanced lifestyle, and staying well.

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