Journal of Medical Oncology and Therapeutics

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Chronic inflammatory mediators in progression of oral cancer

International Conference on Oncology and Cancer Therapeutics
October 30- November 01, 2017 | Chicago, USA


Krishna Devaraya College of Dental Sciences and Hospital, India

Scientific Tracks Abstracts : J Med Oncl Ther


Oral cancer is a major cause of mortality and morbidity across the world. Because of extensive use of carcinogenic products such as tobacco, alcohol and some cases are due to viruses such as human papilloma virus induced oro- pharyngeal cancer. These carcinogens induce inflammatory changes in the inflammatory microenvironment of oral mucosa. chronic inflammatory mediators in tumor microenvironment are innate and adaptive immune cells and their secreting factors such as chemokine’s, cytokine’s, growth factors, and proteolytic enzymes activates transcriptional factors (NF-KB, STAT-3) expressed by immune cells and tumor cells promotes malignant changes.


Shrihari is working in the Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology at Krishna Devaraya College of Dental Sciences and Hospital, Bangalore, India. He has published many papers in reputed journals.

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