Journal of Trauma and Critical Care

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Children and burn wounds: Practices of Pakistani mothers towards child's 1st aid

February 23-24, 2023 | Dubai, UAE

Kinza Arif

The University of Faisalabad-Health Sciences Wing, Pakistan

Scientific Tracks Abstracts : J Trauma Crit Care


Background: Pakistan is a country where the female labor force is the lowest in the region. Mothers primarily raise their children from infancy to preschool along with household chores. Preschoolers are curious in nature and thus more susceptible to injury, burn injury being one of them. Mothers are the immediate 1st aid providers in such circumstances and their practices can majorly affect the outcome. Objectives: To understand the practices of pakistani mothers towards children 1st aid in burn injury. Methodology: A descriptive study design was used in which structured interviews were taken and analyzed by descriptive statistics. A total of 8 interviews were conducted with mothers having children affected by burn injuries regarding 1st aid. The interviews were recorded in Urdu, transcribed verbatim, and translated in English. The average time of interview was 2min. This study was conducted in the outpatient department of Dermatologists and Plastic Surgeons in a Tertiary care hospital from October 2022 to December 2022. Results: The Participants were preschool children: 3 out of 6 (50%) were less than 1 year old, 2 out of 6 (33%) were less than 2 years and only 1 child was 3 years old. 50% were boys and 50% were girls. Out of 6 children, 5 of them suffered from scald injury and only 1% had a steam burn. Then the percentage of the burn was calculated through the Lund and Browder chart, 3 of them had less than 5% injury and the remaining 3 were from 10 to 15%. Recent Publications 1. Beauty standards in the people of Pakistan. - Presented at the 1 st International Conference of Dermal Science. 2. Tele dermatology, the future of dermatology: Making follow-up easier for psoriatic patients and physicians. 3. The stereotype of the title “Dr” in the selection of profession among young adults


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