Research and Reports in Gynecology and Obstetrics

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April 15-16, 2019 | Milan, Italy

Stela Popi Kostic

General Hospital Zrenjanin, Serbia

Scientific Tracks Abstracts : Res Rep Gynaecol Obstet

DOI: 10.4066/2591-7366-C2-005


Introduction: Breast cancer is the one of the important disease responsible for the death of women, both in Serbia and in the world. The incidence of breast cancer in Serbia is 20, 2%, from allleading cancer sites in females (data obteined from Cancer Registry of Serbia 2015). In 2008 Serbia had the highest mortality rate from breast cancer (ASR-W 2008: 22.7/100,000), among all European countries.

Case report: Patient M.T. P3 G3, 37 years old with invasive ductal cancer ofright breast (treated from 2012 till 2016), moderately differentiated histological type with present lymphovascular and perineural invasion of pTT1, HG2, pN2, receptor status ER 7, PR 8, HER2 0, Ki-67 30% tumor cells, admitted to the Gynecology Department because the NMR recording of small pelvis confirmed pregnancy in the uterus. This recording was done because doubts on metastatic changeon segment LS on the spine. Last period was in 2012. The interval of birth beetwin this and least pregnancy was 15 years. On the gynecological ultrasound was diagnosted a live normal fetus, the crown-rump lenth (CRL) was 74mm, (13 week and 4 day). Nuchal translucency was 1, 6mm, and the values of Free-Beta HCG-2,53 MoM, PAPP-A 0,7 MoM. The pregnancy has come from natural cycle. The amniocentesis is recomandet and the result show a normal XX karyotype of fetus. The pregnancy was developed normally, the baby was born in 35-36 weeks (13.02.2018) of gestation with cesarean section because of previous two cesarean section of mother. The female neonatus has body mass 2390g/48 cm, AS:8/9. Postoperation decurzus was normally. The metastatic change was not confirmet during pregnancy and after the delivery.

Discussion: In the literature, cases of natural pregnancy after the treatment of breast cancer are rarely described.

Conclusion: The patient M.T. was the first patient with treated breast cancer who delivery in our Hospital. Reference:

1. Ilic M and Ilic I (2018) Cancer mortality in Serbia, 1991–2015: an age-period-cohort and joinpoint regression analysis. Cancer Communications 38(1): 10.


Stela Popi Kostic was born in Zrenjanin, Serbia on 25th August 1972. She was graduated in General Medicine at University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timisoara, Romania in June 1997. She was a specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics graduated on 10th October 2002 in Timisoara, Romania. She was completed nostrificate diploma of specialization in Novi Sad, Serbia in the year 2003-2004, in the Clinic of Gynecology and Obstetrics. She is working in General Hospital “Dorde Joanovic”, Zrenjanin as a specilalist in Gynecology and Obstetrics from 2004. She builds knowledge after years of learning, evaluation and research in hospital. She is the member of Chamber of Doctors of Serbia.


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