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Cancer biology research autopsy

October 17, 2022 | Webinar

Daniel Gandia

National University of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Scientific Tracks Abstracts : J Clin Path Lab Med


Research autopsies are increasingly being used to investigate the physiopathology mechanisms of Cancer Evolution, metastases and tumour therapies resistance. It is a post-mortem procedure performed on a deceased subject with the primary goal of collecting tissue to support basic and translational research. It is noteworthy, the advantages of using post-mortem tissues over other types of biospecimens, including the large amounts of tissue that can be obtained and the extent of multiregional sampling that is achievable, which is not otherwise possible in living patients. Research autopsy has supported the identification of the clonal origins and modes of spread among metastases and helped in the creation of rare tissue banks and patient-derived model systems. This type of research will be in the future, a cutting-edge procedure and be part of Precision Medicine.
References :
1. Irinotecan, between Journeys and Stories
2. Metastases its Biologics and Impact in Internal Medicine
3. Cancer, with the Mirror on the Past


Daniel Gandia is a clinical oncologist & medical scientist. He did his postgraduate residency training in internal medicine and clinical oncology in buenos aires, completing his Oncology fellowship program as chief of residents at the university of buenos aires cancer institute.

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