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Rapid Communication - Journal of Clinical Dentistry and Oral Health (2023) Volume 7, Issue 4

Oral cancer: A silent epidemic that demands our attention

Hasan Ebrahimi*

Department of Oral Health Science

*Corresponding Author:
Hasan Ebrahimi
Department of Oral Health Science
University of Adelaide School of Dentistry

Received:26-Jun-2023, Manuscript No. AACDOH-23-104906; Editor assigned:29-Jun-2023, PreQC No. AACDOH-23-104906(PQ); Reviewed:13-Jul-2023, QC No. AACDOH-23-104906; Revised:18-Jul-2023, Manuscript No. AACDOH-23-104906(R); Published:25-Jul-2023, DOI:10.35841/aacdoh-7.4.153

Citation: Hasan Ebrahimi. Oral cancer: A silent epidemic that demands our attention. J Clin Dentistry Oral Health. 2023;7(4):153

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Oral cancer, a form of cancer that affects the mouth and throat, is a growing health concern that often goes unnoticed until it reaches advanced stages. Despite its devastating consequences, oral cancer remains relatively under discussed and under researched in comparison to other types of cancer. This opinion article aims to shed light on the importance of raising awareness about oral cancer and the urgent need for preventive measures, early detection, and improved support for those affected[1].

Oral cancer poses a significant threat to public health. According to the World Health Organization, it is estimated that over 450,000 new cases of oral cancer are diagnosed each year worldwide, with the number of cases steadily increasing. Alarmingly, the survival rate for oral cancer remains dismally low, primarily due to late-stage diagnoses. This highlights the urgent need for proactive measures to address this silent epidemic[2].

Several lifestyle factors contribute to the development of oral cancer. Tobacco use, whether in the form of smoking or chewing, remains one of the most significant risk factors. Excessive alcohol consumption, poor oral hygiene, and a diet lacking in fruits and vegetables also play a role. Education campaigns focused on promoting healthier lifestyles and discouraging tobacco and alcohol consumption are crucial to preventing the onset of oral cancer[3].

Early detection is paramount for successful treatment and improved survival rates. Unfortunately, oral cancer often presents with subtle symptoms that can easily be overlooked. Regular dental check-ups, including oral cancer screenings, should be encouraged and made more accessible to the general population. Moreover, it is imperative to educate individuals about the warning signs of oral cancer, such as persistent mouth sores, white or red patches, difficulty swallowing, and unexplained bleeding or numbness. While significant advancements have been made in the treatment of various cancers, oral cancer research and funding have not received the attention they deserve. Governments, healthcare organizations, and private institutions must allocate more resources to oral cancer research, including innovative treatments and therapies. Additionally, ensuring affordable and accessible treatment options is crucial to improving patient outcomes and reducing the burden on those affected by this devastating disease[4].

Oral cancer, like many other forms of cancer, carries a burden of stigma that further hampers progress in raising awareness and support. Society must work collectively to dismantle this stigma by promoting empathy, understanding, and open dialogue about oral cancer. By encouraging open conversations, we can foster an environment that supports early detection, encourages people to seek help, and provides a network of support for those affected. Oral cancer is a silent epidemic that demands urgent attention. Through education, prevention, early detection, and enhanced support systems, we can combat the rising incidence of oral cancer and improve patient outcomes. It is essential that governments, healthcare providers, researchers, and individuals come together to prioritize oral cancer as a significant public health concern. Let us stand united against oral cancer and work towards a future where no one has to face this disease alone[5].


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