Journal of Clinical Dentistry and Oral Health

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Perspective - Journal of Clinical Dentistry and Oral Health (2023) Volume 7, Issue 5

Dental Fractures and Aging: Challenges and Solutions for Geriatric Dentistry

Maximee Karteva*

Department of Dentistry, Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia

*Corresponding Author:
Maximee Karteva
Department of Dentistry
Abdulaziz University
Saudi Arabia

Received:25-Aug-2023, Manuscript No. AACDOH-23-112748; Editor assigned:28-Aug-2023, PreQC No. AACDOH-23-112748 (PQ); Reviewed:11-Sept-2023, QC No. AACDOH-23-112748; Revised:16-Sept-2023, Manuscript No. AACDOH-23-112748 (R); Published:23- Sept-2023, DOI:10.35841/aacdoh-7.5.162

Citation: Karteva M. Dental fractures and aging: Challenges and solutions for geriatric dentistry. J Clin Dentistry Oral Health. 2023;7(5):162

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Aging gracefully is a universal aspiration, and it extends to every aspect of our health, including oral health. Dental fractures are a prevalent concern among the elderly population, posing unique challenges that require tailored solutions within the realm of geriatric dentistry. In this article, we explore the dynamics of dental fractures in the elderly and discuss strategies to address these challenges while promoting oral health in our senior citizens[1].

As we age, our oral health needs evolve. Several factors contribute to an increased risk of dental fractures in the elderly. Over time, tooth enamel naturally thins due to normal wear and tear, making teeth more susceptible to fractures. Aging is often accompanied by reduced saliva production, leading to dry mouth. This can weaken teeth, making them more prone to fractures and decay. Many seniors take medications that may have side effects, such as reduced saliva flow or dizziness, increasing the risk of accidents that can result in dental fractures. Older adults may have longstanding dental restorations that become weakened over time, potentially leading to fractures[2].

Geriatric dentistry faces several challenges when it comes to addressing dental fractures in the elderly. Many elderly patients have multiple medical conditions, which may require medications that affect oral health. Coordinating care is essential. Some older adults may lack awareness of the importance of oral health or have limited access to dental care. Conditions like dementia can make it challenging for some elderly individuals to maintain proper oral hygiene, increasing their risk of dental fractures. To overcome these challenges and ensure optimal oral health in the elderly, geriatric dentistry employs a range of strategies; Thorough dental assessments, including regular check-ups, are crucial to identify and address dental fractures early[3].

Emphasizing preventive measures, such as fluoride treatments and dental sealants, can help strengthen teeth and reduce the risk of fractures. Educating elderly patients and their caregivers about the importance of oral hygiene and regular dental visits is essential. Dentists can collaborate with healthcare providers to review and adjust medications when necessary to mitigate oral health side effects. Proper care and maintenance of dentures are critical. Ill-fitting dentures can lead to accidents and dental fractures[4].

Assessing the risk of falls in elderly patients and recommending preventive measures can reduce the chances of trauma-related dental fractures. When fractures occur, restorative procedures, such as dental bonding, crowns, or dental implants, may be recommended to restore function and aesthetics[5].


Dental fractures in the aging population present unique challenges to geriatric dentistry. However, with a comprehensive approach that includes preventive care, education, medication management, and a focus on fall prevention, we can address these challenges effectively. Promoting optimal oral health in the elderly not only enhances their quality of life but also contributes to their overall well-being as they age gracefully. Geriatric dentistry plays a vital role in ensuring that seniors enjoy the benefits of good oral health well into their golden years.


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