Journal of Oral Medicine and Surgery

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Mini Review - Journal of Oral Medicine and Surgery (2023) Volume 6, Issue 3

Emerging trends in oral medicine and surgery: exploring new frontiers

Oral medicine and surgery are dynamic fields that continually evolve with advancements in technology, research, and clinical practice. This abstract aims to explore and summarize the emerging trends in oral medicine and surgery, shedding light on new frontiers that hold promise for the future of the field. The abstract begins by discussing the integration of digital dentistry and artificial intelligence (AI) in oral medicine and surgery. The application of 3D bio printing technology enables the fabrication of complex tissue structures, paving the way for customized regenerative solutions in oral medicine and surgery. It offers convenience and accessibility, particularly for patients in remote areas or with limited mobility, and has become increasingly relevant in the context of global healthcare challenges, such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

Author(s): Chen Wang*

Abstract Full Text PDF

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