Current Pediatric Research

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Research Article - Current Pediatric Research (2021) Volume 25, Issue 12

Efficacy of physical activity training in comparison to the mental training in preadolescent's attention

children's attention level. Methods: A randomized control trial study was conducted at a primary school in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Sixty participants (aged 6-9 years) were divided into two intervention programs, with eight sessions over four weeks. The PA program lasted for 40 minutes and included moderate-intensity aerobic exercises, strengthening exercises, and balance. The MT program provided 3-4 exercises per session that lasted 20-30 minutes. Flanker tests and questionnaires were used to assess attention. Results: A significant difference was found in children's attention after the PA (p <0.001) and the MT program (p <0.05). However, there were no significant differences in the number of errors or time taken following the PA and MT programs (p >0.05). Also, a significant negative correlation was found between number of errors and time taken in solving the flanker test, and with the age in the PA group (r = -.534, p = .002; r = -.605, p = < .001) and in the MT group (r = - .491, p = .001; r=. 462, p = .01). Conclusion: Physical activity with mental training exercise improves children's attention level, sleep quality, academic performance, and addiction to electronic devices after applying the intervention.

Author(s): Afnan Alkhateeb*, Wasayf Aljohani, Bashayer Alsayegh, Asma Alonazi, Rasha Hegazy

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