Current Pediatric Research

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Research Article - Current Pediatric Research (2023) Volume 27, Issue 3

Assessment of physical and psychosocial wellbeing among preschool age orphan children.

Background: Growing up in institutional homes and losing the nature structure of the family can lead to physical, intellectual and psychosocial developmental delay among orphan children.

Aim of the study: The current study aimed to assess physical and psychosocial wellbeing among preschool age orphan children.

Research design: A descriptive design was utilized to conduct the current study.

Setting: The study was conducted at four orphanages in Helwan district.

Sample: A purposive sample of 50 preschool age orphan children and 31 caregivers were selected based on inclusion criteria.

Tools: Three tools were used for data collection: PPSC observation checklist for psychosocial components assessment, BECSA questionnaire for children’s caregivers to assess the behavioral and emotional wellbeing of orphan children, and physical wellbeing assessment checklist to assess children’s physical wellbeing.

Results: The study showed that more than half of children (58%) had average psychosocial wellbeing. Most of children (98%) at risk of having behavioral and emotional problems. More than half of children (68%) had good physical wellbeing.

Conclusion: Majority of studied preschool orphan children had average psychosocial wellbeing and had good physical wellbeing. Additionally, there was a significant relation between psychosocial wellbeing components and physical wellbeing.

Recommendations: Continuous educational program for caregivers to provide orphan children with emotional and social support to enhance their psychosocial wellbeing, regular psychological counseling to assess the needs of orphan children for prevention and early detection of any psychosocial problem.

Author(s): Sara Adel Zaki*, Ghada Mohamed Mourad, Safaa Salah Ismail

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