Current Pediatric Research

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Research Article - Current Pediatric Research (2023) Volume 27, Issue 5

Analysis of the disease spectrum of pediatric outpatient and emergency in the Fenhu area of the Yangtze River delta from 2016 to 2020.

Purpose: By analyzing the disease spectrum and distribution characteristics of pediatric outpatient and emergency patients in the Fenhu area of the Yangtze River delta from 2016 to 2020, it can provide guidance for the treatment and prevention of local children's diseases.

Methods: According to the disease categories of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10), the main diagnoses of 236,977 outpatient and emergency cases from 2016 to 2020 were classified and analyzed by descriptive statistics.

Results: There were more males than females, with a ratio of 1.24:

• The age of onset was concentrated in infancy and preschool age (58.46%). The number of outpatient and emergency departments was basically the same from 2016 to 2019, and decreased significantly in 2020;
• Pediatric outpatient and emergency visits were mainly concentrated in the fourth quarter, and respiratory system diseases had obvious seasonal distribution characteristics;
• Fever of unknown origin was the most common symptom diagnosed disease (69.6%), and respiratory system disease (58.1%) was the most diagnosed disease type, ranked first in each year, but the disease composition ratio showed a downward trend year by year, and infectious diseases rose the fastest.

Conclusion: In the past five years in the Fenhu area of the Yangtze River delta, respiratory diseases in pediatric outpatient and emergency children are still the top priority of prevention and control, and secondly, attention should be paid to infectious diseases that increase year by year.

Author(s): Ding Lei*, Ma Yanjuan, Yuan Xiaoping, Yuan Fang, Shi Yu, Yu Jie, Tu Junwei Shen

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