Review Article - Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences (2022) Volume 12, Issue 87
A review- Effect of shatapushpa dill seed according to samhita.
Shatapushpa Dill Seeds (DS) is one of the Plants recommended in Samhitas as Antispasmodic and Digestive Antimicrobial Anti Inflammatory These are mainly having Shoolghna, Shodhana, Dipana, Pachana properties. Shatapushpa possess Tikta, Katu Rasa, UshnaVirya, and KatuVipaka. Due to these properties it acts as Kaphavatahar and by clearing ‘Srotorodh’ it makes the way for the action of Shoolhar drugs on target cells.
Author(s): Santosh Suryakant Pusadkar, Deepika Ruturaj Patil, Prashant Chandrakant Sarade, Shriram Kane, Pratibha Dawande, Lalit B Damahe