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Review Article - Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences (2022) Volume 12, Issue 87

A review- Effect of shatapushpa dill seed according to samhita.

Santosh Suryakant Pusadkar1*, Deepika Ruturaj Patil2, Prashant Chandrakant Sarade3, Shriram Kane4, Pratibha Dawande5, Lalit B Damahe6

1Department of Rasashastra, Datta Meghe Ayurved College Hospital & Research Centre, Nagpur, India

2Assistant Professor, Vasantdada Patil Ayurved College Sangli, Nagpur, India

3Assistant Professor, SST’S Ayurved College, Sangamner, Nagpur, India

4Department of Medicine, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences Sawangi (Meghe) Wardha, Nagpur, India

5Department of Pathology Datta Meghe Medical College, Shalinitai Meghe Hospital and Research centre, Nagpur, India

6Computer Science and Engineering Assistant Professor, Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering, Nagpur, India

*Corresponding Author:

Santosh Suryakant Pusadkar
Department of Rasashastra
Datta Meghe Ayurved College Hospital & Research Centre

Received: 28-Feb-2022, Manuscript No. AABPS-22-57693; Editor assigned: 02-Mar-2022, PreQC No. AABPS-22-57693(PQ); Reviewed: 16-Mar-2022, QC No. AABPS-22-57693; Revised: 19-Mar-2022, Manuscript No. AABPS-22-57693(R); Published: 26-Mar-2022, DOI:10.35841/2249-622X.87.111

Citation: Pusadkar SS, Patil DR, Sarade PC, et al. A review- Effect of shatapushpa dill seed according to samhita. Asian J Biomed Pharmaceut Sci. 2022;12(87):111


Shatapushpa Dill Seeds (DS) is one of the Plants recommended in Samhitas as Antispasmodic and Digestive Antimicrobial Anti Inflammatory These are mainly having Shoolghna, Shodhana, Dipana, Pachana properties. Shatapushpa possess Tikta, Katu Rasa, UshnaVirya, and KatuVipaka. Due to these properties it acts as Kaphavatahar and by clearing ‘Srotorodh’ it makes the way for the action of Shoolhar drugs on target cells.


Shatapupa, Udarshool, Shoolhar


Human health is defined as per WHO is a state of complete physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity [1]. In Ayurved science the healthy individual is represented as one has equilibrium of Dosha (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha), Agni (metabolic activity), Dhatu (metabolites), Mala (proper elimination of waste products), Atma (soul), Indriya (sense organ) and Mana (mind). The drug “Shatapushpa” which is indicated in Various Samhita is used. Shatapushpa is such plant which is widely available throughout India. The reference of Shatapushpa is available from Samhita Kala onwards. Shatapushpa is having distinct Vatanuloman and Shoolaghna property [2]. Active principle of Shatapushpa that is Dill oil act more rapidly on Colic and give faster relief in small quantity. Shatapushpa involves the treatment of the Vata and Kapha doshas. In addition, it relieves painful ulcers, abdominal pain, eye diseases, and uterine pain with its antimicrobial, antiinflammatory, analgesic, antiemetic, anti-convulsive, gastric, and mucosal protective properties [3].


Review of ayurvedic literature shatapushpa


Dill is a miraculous herb that brings you out of illness and spells the charm of lull. Dill seed oil is well known for its purgative properties that pacify the digestive system and is used in Ayurveda for the treatment of ulcers, fever, cardiac problems, bronchitis, spermatorrhoea, syphilis, and menstrual disorders. It gets its name from the Norse word 'Dylle', which means 'to soothe or lull' [4] (Figure 1).


Figure 1: Review of Shatapushpa

• Name of individual drug: Shatapushpa

• Botanical name: Anethumsowa

• Family: Umbelliferae

Vernacular names

• English: Dill, Dill seeds, Dilly

• Hindi: Sowa

• Marathi: Balantshep

• Marathi: Balantshep

• Kannada: Sabbasiage

• Telugu: Shatakupinittulu


• Shatapushpa-hundreds of flowers, several umbel shaped flowers

• Karvi- action

• Ghosha- umbelform

• Chatra, Chatrapushpa- umbel shaped flowers

• Mishi- causes parinam

• Pitika- yellow flowers

• Shaleya- planted in gardens near houses, near paddy fields.

Distribution: It is extremely cultivated in England, Germany, and Romeumania and Mediterranean countries and all over India too.

Useful parts: Seeds

Pharmacology: Ayurvedic: [5]

• Rasa: Katu, Tikta

• Veerya: Ushna

• Vipaka: Katu

• Guna: Laghu, Tikshna, Snigdha.

• Action on Dosha:Kapha- Vataghna

• Karma: Shoolghna, Deepan, Pachana.

Chemical constituents: Carvone, d-limonene, phellandrene, dihydrocarvone, eugenol, phellandrene, pinene, anethole, dillapiole, myristicin, carveol, arginine, caryophy Carvone, d-limonene, phellandrene, dihydrocarvone, eugenol, phellandrene, pinene, anethole, dillapiole, myristicin, carveol, arginine, caryophyllene, apiole, and other compounds are found in dill seed oil (Table 1).

  Kaidev Nighantu Nighantu Adarsha Bhavprakash Nighantu Priyal Nighantu Raj Nighantu Dhanvantari Nighantu
Paryaya Shatapushpa Soya, Shatapushpa, Shalufa Shatavha, madhura, karvi, mishi, atilambi, sitchatra,chatrika Shatapushpa, Chhatrapushpa Shatavha Mishighosha, pitika, madhavi, shifa, atichatra, twavakpushpi, karvi, smruta
Rasa Katu, tikta, Ushna Katu, tikta, Ushna Katu, Ushna Katu, Ushna Katu, tikta, Ushna Katu, tikta, Ushna
Vipaka Katu Katu Katu Katu Katu katu
Doshaghnta Kapha- vataghna Kapha- Vataghna pittakar Vatanulomak Kaphagna Kapha-vataghna
Guna Laghu, snigdha. Snigdha Laghu, tikshna Laghu, snigdha Snigdha snigdha

Table 1. Overview of the Ayurvedic literature Shatapushpa.

Studies reported

Dill seed essential oil is produced by steam distillation from dried seeds. Ayurvedic medicine uses these wonderful small seeds and their essential oil to cure dysentery, menstruation, diarrhoea, inflammation, and mental problems.

Historical importance of Dill and its essential oil

Dill seeds were utilised by Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, in his treatments for oral purification. For speedy recovery, ancient warriors put Dill seed and twig extract on burns. Dill seeds are known for their carminative qualities. The appearance of Dill on Emperor Charles the Great's feast tables was mandated for this reason, to help his guests who overindulged.

Dill seeds, which are readily available to the general public, are an aboriginal treatment for sleeplessness, colds, fevers, respiratory ailments, diarrhoea, dysentery, and flatulence, as well as cancer prevention, according to a recent study.

Some of the priceless therapeutic properties of this prized oil include antimicrobial, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, antioxidant, carminative, digestive, disinfectant, anti-hyperlipidaemia, anti-hyper cholesterolaemic, antifungal, aromatic, diuretic, galactagogue, sedative, stomachic, and sudorific. Because of the high quantity of carvone, which is naturally antibacterial?

It has anti-microbial, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial qualities as an aromatic molecule, which aid in the long-term preservation of edible goods. Dill seeds have acquired fame as one of the most flavourful and healthy herbs of the Middle East due to their natural ability to lower blood glycerides.

Nature’s powerhouse of calcium

Calcium, dietary fibre, manganese, iron, and magnesium are all found in dill seed oil. The presence of arginine in the body strengthens bones and teeth, as well as aiding in the prevention of bone loss that occurs after menopause and even after more serious conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis. Dill seed oil is even said to be useful for treating hiccups due to its high calcium concentration, according to a few trustworthy sources. Because the skin is the body's biggest organ, any medications applied to it are easily absorbed. When used topically, the therapeutic qualities of Dill seed essential oil penetrate the skin and reach the bloodstream, naturally healing the system.

Promising carminative with handful of digestive benefits

Phellandrene, pinene, and other elements of Dill seed oil contribute to the oil's carminative function, which aids in the prevention of gas development in the intestines as well as the expulsion of gas. It aids in the release of bile, a digestive fluid generated by the liver. Dill seed oil is also stomachic, which helps to relieve stomach discomfort associated with menstruation cycles. It helps new-borns with flatulence, constipation, hiccups, and colic.

Dill seed essential oil is used to treat dysentery, diarrhoea, and food poisoning since it is an antibacterial, antispasmodic, and antifungal oil. It protects against infections and indigestion by fighting infectious bacteria, soothing the digestive system, and fighting infections.

Antimicrobial chemicals found in Dill seed oil, such as pinene, cineole, and limonene, have been shown to be effective against pathogens such as Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli, and Campylobacter jejune. The fungus Aspergillus Niger, as well as the yeasts Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Candida albicans are the best enemies of dill seed oil.

Dill seed oil is high in monoterpenes, which activate the enzyme glutathione-S-transferase, which helps to fight free radicals and prevent cancer. This enzyme aids in the assembly of the anti-oxidant molecule glutathione to oxidised molecules, hence aiding in cancer prevention. It's also a great neutralizer for carcinogenic compounds like benzopyrenes, which can be found in cigarette smoke, charcoal grill smoke, and waste incinerator smoke.

Dill seed oil's anti-oxidant properties are used to treat fake wrinkles around the eyes because it fights free radicals, which are responsible for a variety of ageing signs, including wrinkles and Reduces cholesterol levels in the body

Dill seeds were found to have antihyperlipidemic and antihyper cholesterolaemic properties in a recent study. It combats hyperlipidaemia, a disorder characterised by elevated amounts of lipid production and hyper cholesterol, which is simply a rise in the body's cholesterol level.

Other health benefits of Dill seed oil include its diuretic properties, which help to treat bladder infections and control urine excretion without difficulty. Dill seed oil is used to regulate the menstrual cycle, increase the quantity of breast milk, and prevent early ovulation by functioning as a natural contraceptive by inducing the secretion of particular enzymes and hormones.


The Shatpushpa possess a tremendous Pharmacological and Therapeutic potential The Shatapuspa also act as a yogvahi Shoolhar which in Ayurveda is beneficial from therapeutic value as well. Shatapushpa relieves associate symptoms of Udarshool easily palatable and has no side effect therefore it fits in the category of ideal medicine as described in Ayurvedic Samhitas texts thus are beneficial for individuals with whole mankind also.


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