The Cognitive Neuroscience Journal

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Perspective - The Cognitive Neuroscience Journal (2022) Volume 5, Issue 2

A brief summary of the brain-behavior connection in clinical neuroscience

In recent years, there has been an increase in applications of network science in many different fields. In clinical neuroscience and psychopathology, the developments and applications of network science have occurred mostly simultaneously, but without much collaboration between the two fields. The promise of integrating these network applications lies in a united framework to tackle one of the fundamental questions of our time: how to understand the link between brain and behavior. In the current overview, we bridge this gap by introducing conventions in both fields, highlighting similarities, and creating a common language that enables the exploitation of synergies. As it accurately represents research lines in both network neuroscience and psychological networks. We integrate brain and behavior not only semantically, but also practically, by showcasing three methodological avenues that allow combining networks of brain and behavioral data. As such, the current paper offers a stepping stone to further develop multimodal networks and to integrate brain and behaviour.

Author(s): Roger Ambroze

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