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Seyed Mohamad Javad Mortazavi Author

A study on the performance of sounds control program on some physiological parameters of premature infants hospitalized at infants special care units (NICUs) of selected hospitals of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences in 2013

Medical Physics and Medical Engineering Department, School of Medicine, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences


Mortazavi has studied space biology, especially the biological protection of astronauts against space radiation in deep space missions, such as future Mars journeys. Recently, his studies are in particular focused on the applications of LDRT for COVID-19. Mortazavi has authored more than 250 papers in top peer-reviewed journals. He is also a member of editorial boards of some well-known journals such as the International Journal of Low Radiation

Subjects of specialization: Radiofrequency, Mobile jammer, Hearing loss

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