Otolaryngology Online Journal

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July 18-19, 2019 | Valencia, Spain

Mohamed Mokhtar Sallam

Alexandria Faculty of Medicine, Egypt

Keynote : Otolaryngology Online


Detailed comprehension of the facial anatomy is imperative when performing aesthetic injections including neuromodulators and dermal filler/contouring product. The safest and most effective treatment outcomes arise, in part from a thorough and detailed facial analysis, which include an appreciation of the facial anatomical planes, to ensure product is placed appropriately and safely to yield the desired result. The understanding of facial three-dimensional composition and layered concept is crucial for safe, natural and long-lasting applications. The main concern of this topic is to make clear vision of facial anatomy to know clearly where the end tip cannula/needle and which layer should be injected and what are the danger zones should avoided. The facial arterial vasculature varies highly between individuals and even between the left and right sides of the face in the same person. Minimally invasive applications of soft-tissue fillers should thus be performed with care and knowledge to avoid injection-related visual compromise.


Mohammed Mokhtar Sallam was a graduate of Alexandria University from the School of Medicine at 1988. He acquired his ENT MD in 2002 from Al Munoufiya University. Also, he became a Board certified surgeon in the International Board Certified Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Washington DC, 2018. He is a Member of the following societies: International Federation of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery; European Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and FUE Europe. In the field of Facial Plastic Surgery, he is an expert in the aspects such as Facial aesthetic surgery, Botulinum toxin for Facial wrinkles and Facial aging, Botulinum toxin for masseter hypertrophy, Botulinum toxin for TMJ myofacial pain syndrome, Tension headache and migraine and non–surgical facial rejuvenation using filler.

E-mail: moksallam@gmail.com

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