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Aneuryzmal bone cysts (ABC) immunohistochemical profile according the bone pathology: Primary and secondary ABC

October 17, 2022 | Webinar

D Makaridze

Gudushauri National medical center, Georgia

Keynote : J Clin Path Lab Med


Aneuryzmal bone cysts are one of most common oncological and surgical pathologies primary described by Jaffe and Lichtenshtein (1942) and dramatically arising in frequencies and complications. In this report some immunohistochemical peculiarities of ABC most used in practice are discussed. According presence of any controversy, this lesion may be presented as damage from cortex, forming blood filled large irregular spaces, well defined border classified as primary ABC. Fig 1 Important IHC markers are: TP53/63, bcl-2, Ki67, CD68, but in cases of secondary ABC precursor lesions as trauma, preexisting secondary haemorrhage or vascular malformation are largely presented. Fig 2 Diagnostic morphology includes IHC analysis with Ki67, MPS-9, 10 and special mesenchyme Cadherine-11. Due to the modern concept of ABC transformation mechanisms from primary into secondary, Cadherine-11 expression play a key role in this as an activating promoter by Ubiquitin-specific Protease. By Cadherine-11, 10- cases of secondary and 5- primary cases of ABC were differentiated. Despite the fact that all processes can develop into secondary ABC, each of them has an initial condition and a histopathological picture that requires accurate diagnostic variation by studying the expression of the discussed IHC markers.
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Makaridze is currently the doctor of Pathology in the Pathology research center since 2016. He was a Pathologist in the military hospital at the Ministry of defense of Georgia. He has his PhD from tbilisi david tvildiani medical university, Georgia.

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