Las Vegas, the city that never sleeps, became the city that trembled during our 1999 conference. An earthquake that rocked the hotel was an exciting (and frightening) end to the conference. We are pleased to report that this conference featured 140 papers, symposia, and workshops, representing more than 200 researchers from 35 states and eight nations. These works represented a great range of ideas and contributions; from cutting edge contributions to the literature, to pedagogic and educational applications, to applied and practical research. Because of our new "choose your presentation time" intent, we had more interdisciplinary sessions which resulted in many of our attendees excited about the prospects of future conferences with new ideas and approaches to their own research evolving from the different perspectives of colleagues. It also resulted in many participants meeting and interacting with people not previously known outside their disciplines.
The Students in Free Enterprise again offered their support for the organization by giving us a check for $5,000 to defray the costs of the reception. The SIFE group was ably represented by Mr. Jerad Boyd who offered a stimulating workshop for those members who are interested in becoming involved as sponsors for the SIFE projects worldwide.
Two new awards were given at the Fall conference which we hope to become a regular event. The awards were sponsored by the Academy for Educational Leadership for a unit, department, college or university which exemplified the on going delivery of outstanding instruction and education; and, the practice of innovative and creative education. The winner of the AWARD FOR INNOVATIVE AND CREATIVE EDUCATION was the University of Portland, accepted by Dr. Robin Anderson, holder of the Robert W. Franz Chair in Entrepreneurship.
The University of Portland embodies the spirit of the Award in its daily operation. The Selection Committee noted that the University focuses on entrepreneurship as a core for all students and incorporates entrepreneurship into the academic strengths of the University across all majors and all five Schools. Of particular note is the Entrepreneur Scholars Program which is a comprehensive development program incorporating classroom activity and applied experience. In addition, the University has established a Sustainable Entrepreneurship Program, and a Not for Profit Entrepreneurship Program. Innovative entrepreneurship classes are open for all majors, and business students are required to take twelve credit hours in core entrepreneurship classes. Dr. James W. Carland, Chair of the Selection Committee noted, "The University of Portland has gone where no University has gone before, and it sets a high example for innovative and creative education to the world."
The second award given by the Academy of Educational Leadership to an individual for INNOVATIVE AND CREATIVE TEACHING went to Dr. Robert Stretcher of Hampton University. The criteria for recognition include the exercise of creative or innovative teaching practices; and, recognized stature as an outstanding instructor. Dr. Stretcher, who was nominated for the Award by an Academy Member, Dr. Niazur Rahim, embodies the spirit of the Award in his daily teaching. The Selection Committee noted that Dr. Stretcher employed non-conventional instructional strategies and has developed a Website Learning Enhancement Center which provides students access to searchable syllabi, on line cases, interactive quizzes with instant feedback, online searchable textbook passages, hyperlinks to required websites, and RealAudio and RealMedia lectures. In addition, Dr. Stretcher has developed a self-paced learning method which supports exceptional understanding through repetition and opportunity to increase performance levels throughout the sequence of each of his courses.
The Academy of Entrepreneurship was pleased to announce that the Carland Award for Outstanding Research in Entrepreneurship went to Dr. Elisabeth Teal from the University of Georgia. Her dissertation was entitled, "The Determinants of New Venture Success: Strategy, Industry Structure, and the Founding Entrepreneurial Team." This outstanding contribution to the field was directed by Dr. Charles Hofer, University of Georgia, who came to participate in her recognition. Dr. Teal received a plaque and a check for $1,000 in recognition of her outstanding work.
Winners of Distinguished Research Awards received engraved plaques in recognition for their high quality research. These manuscripts will be published in the appropriate journals. There is a 25% acceptance rate for these journals and the winners are to be congratulated for their outstanding contributions to their fields. We truly appreciate each and everyone for sharing their work with us. The winners in the various areas are indicated below:
Distinguished Research Award Winners
Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies
Searching for the Favorite Longshot Bias Down Under: An
Examination of the New Zealand Pari-Mutuel Betting Market
John M. Gandar, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Richard A. Zuber, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
R. Stafford Johnson, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
An Experimental Test of the Effect of Perfomrance Standards
in a Continuous Improvement Environment
Celia J. Renner, University of Northern Iowa
The No-Arbitrage Condition and Financial Markets
with Malleable Market Structure
Kavous Ardalan, Marist College
Estimating the Demand Function for Mill Cloth in Bangladesh
Alema Karim, Rhode Island College
Javed Ashraf, University of West Florida
Evolution of Standard Audit Reports
Charles Holley, Virginia Commonwealth University
Chips on Dips: Testing an Equity Timing and Selection Strategy
Balasundram Maniam, Sam Houston State University
W. Hadley Leavell, Sam Houston State University
Daniel Kauffman, Sam Houston State University
Accounting for Derivatives Under SFAS No. 133
Alan Blankley, University of North Carolina Charlotte
Richard Schroeder, University of North Carolina Charlotte
Academy of Economics and Economic Education
The Effectiveness of Virtual Learning in Economics
Neil Terry, West Texas A&M University
Integrating Financial Economics into the High School Curriculum
Anne Macy, West Texas A&M University
Jean Walker, West Texas Economic Education Center
Academy of Educational Leadership
Opportunities and Challenges in Computer-Mediated Business
Education: An Exploratory Investigation of Online Programs
Nini Yang, Clayton College & State University
Lari H. Arjomand, Clayton College & State University
Students as Customers and Higher Education as Industry:
A Review of the Literature and the Legal Implications
Patty Kamvounias, University of Sydney
Alignment of Employer and Faculty Expectations of Student Communication Competencies:
A Collaborative Approach to Business Communication Curriculum Development
Jerry D. Estenson, California State University, Sacramento
Academy of Entrepreneurship
The Five Factor Model of Personality:
Assessing Entrepreneurs and Managers
Brooke R. Envick, St. Mary's University
A Prelilminary Study of the Impact of HIV/AIDS
on Micro and Small Business Survival in Malawi
John Masten, Tennessee State University
Precious Givah, Malawi Institute of Management
Academy of Free Enterprise Education
Using an International Network to Teach Entrepreneurship
to Middle School Students
Robert L. Wyatt, Drury College
Chris Ragain, Young Entrepreneurs Association
Academy of Information and Management Sciences
Testing the Validity of Miles and Snow's Typology
Anne-Marie Croteau, Concordia University
Louis Raymond, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
François Bergeron, Université Laval
Data Warehouse: Emphasis in Decision Support
John Malley, University of Central Arkansas
Ken Griffin, Francis Marion University
Academy of Managerial Communications
Business Communication Instructors' Perception of Nonverbal Communication
Donald E. English, Texas A & M University-Commerce
Janet I. Walker, Texas A & M University-Commerce
Edgar J. Manton, Texas A & M University-Commerce
What Holds the Company Together?:
A Study of Corporate Culture at Belize Telecommunications Limited
Mari Brandenburg, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Reynaldo Guerrero, Belize Institute of Management
Academy of Marketing Studies
Franchisees' Satisfaction:
Preliminary Findings from National Study
Mika Tuunanen, University of Jyvaskyla
The Changing Role of Marketing Associations in the
Internationalization of the Finnish Forest Industry
Pasi Sajasalo, University of Jyvaskyla
Academy of Strategic and Organizational Leadership
Learning Organizations: Panacea or Partial Answer?
Thomas M. Box, Pittsburg State University
Todd A. West, Minot Air Force Base
Larry R. Watts, Stephen F. Austin State University
Michelle L. Whisman, Pittsburg State University
Exploring Commitment in Different Contexts of Change:
Findings from a Study on Downsizing and Quality Improvement
Anna-Maija Lämsä, University of Jyväskylä
Taina Savolainen, University of Oulu
Academy for Studies in Business Law
False Advertising Made in the USA But Not in the States:
A Case Study on Using the Law to Effect Change
Ida M. Jones, California State University, Fresno
International Academy for Case Studies
St. Louis Chemical: The Beginning
David A. Kunz, Southeast Missouri State University
Nigerian Metal Fabricators
D.K. (Skip) Smith, Southeast Missouri State University
Nike, Inc.: High Energy Performance
Larry R. Watts, Stephen F. Austin State University
William T. Jackson, Stephen F. Austin State University An E-Commerce Start-Up
Diane Lockwood, Seattle University
Doris Duncan, California State University, Hayward
Harriet Stephenson, Seattle University
Don't forget to check our new web pages for announcements and other pertinent information. We have attempted to streamline our submission and publication guidelines. Note, too, the upcoming National Conference in Myrtle Beach, in April 2000, and our International Conference in Maui, in October 2000. We would love to hear from you and appreciate the support you have given us in this endeavor. We also appreciate your patience and understanding as we attempt to serve your needs. Thank you for considering the Allied Academies in your academic plans. We hope to see you in Myrtle Beach.
Pictures from Las Vegas by © 1999 David Cary