Journal of Fisheries Research

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John Blay Author

An update of the reproductive biology of sardinellas (Family: Clupeidae) in the coastal waters of Ghana

Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana


Professor John Blay studied at the University of Cape Coast where he obtained a Bachelor of Science (Education) degree in 1973, a Bachelor of Science (Honours ) degree in Zoology in 1975, and a Master of Science degree in 1977. He acquired a PhD degree in Zoology from the University of Ilorin, Nigeria in 1986. He is a retired Professor of Zoology with specialization in Fisheries Science; he also works in the areas of Integrated Coastal Management, Aquaculture and Freshwater Ecology.

Subjects of specialization: Aquatic Ecosystems, Fisheries Biology, Aquaculture

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