Journal of Clinical Endocrinology Research

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Angel A. Escobedo Author

Clinical Pharmacy-2013 : Five-nitroimidazole drugs: Over 50 years in use in human giardiasis, are still efficacious? - Angel A. Escobedo - Academic Paediatric Hospital Pedro Borras

Academic Paediatric Hospital �Pedro Borr�s�, Cuba


Angel Escobedo is a Ph.D. student at the Institute “Pedro Kourí”, Cuba. In 2010, the Pan-American Association of Infectology awarded him with the medal “Eduardo Gotuzzo” for his research in the field of Infectology. Escobedo has long-standing interest in antimicrobial therapy in giardiasis, and its public health impact, in which his research have been focused for more than 15 years, with numerous contributions to scientific journals. He is the vice-chairperson of the Cuban Microbiology and Parasitology Society and represents the Pan-American Association of Infectology in Cuba. He is involved in clinical research and teaching, particularly Parasitology, medical undergraduates and postgraduates.

Subjects of specialization: pediatric, pharmacotherapy, biotechnology

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