Annals of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery

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Mini Review - Annals of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery (2023) Volume 6, Issue 2

Valvular heart diseases: advances in surgical and non-surgical treatment options

Omar Akmal*

Department of Cardiology

*Corresponding Author:
Omar Akmal
Department of Cardiology
University of Ottawa
United States

Received:03-Mar-2023, Manuscript No. AAACTS-23-91642; Editor assigned:04-Mar-2023, PreQC No. AAACTS-23-91642(PQ); Reviewed:20-Mar-2023, QC No. AAACTS-23-91642; Revised:23-Mar-2023, Manuscript No. AAACTS-23-91642(R); Published:30-Mar-2023, DOI:10.35841/ aaacts-6.2.140

Citation: Akmal O. Valvular heart diseases: advances in surgical and non-surgical treatment options. Ann Cardiothorac Surg. 2023; 6(2):140

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Valvular heart diseases are a group of conditions that affect the heart's valves, which regulate the flow of blood through the heart. These conditions can be either congenital or acquired and can cause a wide range of symptoms, including shortness of breath, chest pain, and fatigue. Valvular heart diseases are relatively common, with an estimated 5 million people in the united States alone affected by some form of valvular disease. Fortunately, advances in both surgical and non-surgical treatment options have made managing valvular heart diseases much more effective and accessible for patients. In this article, we will explore some of the latest developments in the diagnosis and treatment of valvular heart diseases[1].


The first step in treating valvular heart diseases is accurate diagnosis. Typically, a diagnosis will begin with a physical exam and a review of the patient's medical history. Additional tests, such as an echocardiogram or electrocardiogram, may be ordered to provide a more detailed assessment of the heart's structure and function.

One of the most significant advances in the diagnosis of valvular heart diseases is the use of cardiac imaging techniques. These non-invasive procedures, including CT scans and MRI scans, allow doctors to see detailed images of the heart's structures and valves, enabling them to identify even minor abnormalities[2].


Surgical Treatment Options

Surgery has long been the primary treatment for severe valvular heart diseases. However, in recent years, significant advances have been made in surgical techniques and technologies, leading to more effective and less invasive procedures.

One of the most significant advances in surgical treatment for valvular heart diseases is the use of minimally invasive techniques. These procedures use small incisions and specialized instruments to access the heart, reducing the risk of complications and shortening the recovery time. Minimally invasive surgery is particularly beneficial for elderly patients or those with pre-existing health conditions that make traditional open-heart surgery riskier [3].

Another major development in surgical treatment for valvular heart diseases is the use of valve repair techniques. In the past, valve replacement was the standard treatment for severely damaged or diseased valves. However, recent advances in surgical techniques have made it possible to repair damaged valves, preserving the patient's natural valve and avoiding the need for a prosthetic valve. Valve repair is particularly effective for certain types of valvular heart diseases, such as mitral valve prolapse.

Non-Surgical Treatment Options

For patients with less severe valvular heart diseases or those who are not candidates for surgery, there are a variety of non-surgical treatment options available. These treatments can help manage symptoms and slow the progression of the disease. One of the most common non-surgical treatments for valvular heart diseases is medication. Medications can help manage symptoms such as high blood pressure or arrhythmia, and can also slow the progression of the disease by reducing the workload on the heart. Another non-surgical treatment option is lifestyle changes. Patients with valvular heart diseases can benefit from adopting healthy habits such as regular exercise, a heart-healthy diet, and stress reduction techniques. These lifestyle changes can help manage symptoms and improve overall heart health [4].

In addition to medication and lifestyle changes, there are also several non-surgical procedures that can help manage valvular heart diseases. For example, balloon valvuloplasty is a minimally invasive procedure that uses a balloon catheter to widen a narrow heart valve, improving blood flow. Trans catheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR) is another non-surgical procedure that involves inserting a prosthetic valve through a small incision in the leg and threading it up to the heart, where it is implanted to replace a damaged valve [5].


Valvular heart diseases are a common and potentially serious condition, but advances in both surgical and non-surgical treatment options have made managing these conditions much more effective and accessible for patients. Accurate diagnosis is the first step in treatment, and advances in cardiac imaging techniques have made it easier than ever to identify even minor abnormalities. Surgical treatment options have improved significantly in recent years, with minimally invasive techniques and valve repair procedures providing patients with more effective and less risky options than traditional open-heart surgery. Non-surgical treatment options, including medication, lifestyle changes, and minimally invasive procedures such as balloon valvuloplasty and TAVR, can also help manage symptoms and slow the progression of the disease.


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