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Perspective - Journal of Oral Medicine and Surgery (2023) Volume 6, Issue 5

Radiographic techniques for accurate dental diagnoses.

Carlos Estrela *

Professor of Endodontics, Federal University of Goiás, Brazil

*Corresponding Author:
Carlos Estrela
Professor of Endodontics, Federal University of Goiás, Brazil

Received: 26-Aug-2023, Manuscript No. AAOMT-23-112343; Editor assigned: 29-Aug-2023, PreQC No. AAOMT-23-112343; Reviewed: 12-Sept-2023, QC No. AAOMT-23-112343; Revised: 16-Sept-2023, Manuscript No. AAOMT-23-112343(R); Published: 23-Sept-2023, DOI:10.35841/aaomt-6.5.164

Citation: : Estrela C. Radiographic techniques for accurate dental diagnoses. J Oral Med Surg. 2023;6(5):164

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Radiographic techniques are fundamental in dentistry for achieving precise and comprehensive dental diagnoses. These techniques involve the use of X-rays to create images of the oral and maxillofacial structures, allowing dentists to identify dental issues, diseases, and conditions. In this exploration, we will delve into the various radiographic techniques employed in dentistry, their importance in accurate diagnoses, and their applications. Intraoral radiography is the most common radiographic technique used in dentistry. It involves placing an X-ray film or sensor inside the patient's mouth to capture images of individual teeth and surrounding structures [1].

There are two primary types of intraoral radiographs: Periapical Radiographs: These radiographs focus on a single tooth, capturing the entire tooth from crown to root tip. Periapical radiographs are used to detect issues such as dental caries, periapical infections, root fractures, and abnormalities in the tooth's structure. Bitewing Radiographs: Bitewing radiographs are named after the wing-like shape of the biting tabs used to hold the film or sensor in place. They provide a view of the crowns of upper and lower teeth in a single image, which is essential for detecting interdental caries (cavities between teeth) and assessing the level of bone support around teeth [2].

Panoramic radiography, often referred to as a panoramic X-ray or orthopantomogram (OPG), is a valuable technique for obtaining a comprehensive view of the entire oral and maxillofacial region. Unlike intraoral radiographs that focus on specific teeth or areas, panoramic radiographs capture a wide range of structures in a single image, including the teeth, jaws, temporomandibular joints (TMJ), and maxillary sinuses. Panoramic radiographs are particularly useful for: Assessing the development and position of impacted teeth, such as wisdom teeth. Detecting cysts, tumors, or other abnormalities in the jaws and sinuses. Evaluating jaw fractures or trauma [3].

Cone Beam Computed Tomography, or CBCT, is an advanced 3D imaging technique that has gained significant importance in modern dentistry. Unlike traditional X-rays that provide two-dimensional images, CBCT generates detailed three-dimensional images of the oral and maxillofacial region. It is especially valuable in complex diagnostic situations and treatment planning. Key applications of CBCT in dental diagnoses include: Precise assessment of bone structure and density for dental implant placement. Evaluation of temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJ) and airway obstruction. Extraoral radiography involves taking X-rays from outside the mouth to capture images of the oral and maxillofacial region [4].

Cephalometric radiographs, in particular, provide essential information for orthodontic treatment planning, enabling orthodontists to determine the most suitable treatment approach for aligning teeth and correcting bite issues. Sialography: Sialography involves the injection of a contrast medium into the salivary ducts to visualize the salivary glands and ducts. It is useful for diagnosing salivary gland disorders and blockages. T-Scan: The T-Scan is a computerized device used to assess a patient's bite force and distribution of forces on the teeth. Digital Subtraction Radiography (DSR): DSR is a technique used to enhance the visibility of subtle changes in dental and maxillofacial structures by subtracting a reference image from a follow-up image. It is valuable for tracking changes over time, such as in orthodontic treatment [5].


Radiographic techniques are the cornerstone of accurate dental diagnoses and play a crucial role in ensuring optimal patient care. From traditional intraoral and panoramic radiography to advanced CBCT and extraoral techniques, each method offers unique advantages and applications. Dental professionals must choose the most appropriate radiographic technique based on the specific diagnostic needs of each patient, ensuring the highest standards of care and precision in dentistry.


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