Journal of Pharmaceutical Chemistry & Chemical Science

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Perspective - Journal of Pharmaceutical Chemistry & Chemical Science (2023) Volume 7, Issue 4

Pharmacogenomics and personalized medicine

Saray Perez*

Department of Biotechnology,Stellenbosch University South Africa

*Corresponding Author:
Saray Perez
Department of Biotechnology
Stellenbosch University
South Africa

Received:27-Jul-2023,Manuscript No. AAPCCS -23-109680; Editor assigned:31-Jul-2023,PreQC No. AAPCCS -23-109680 (PQ); Reviewed:14-Aug-2023,QC No. AAPCCS -23-109680; Revised:21-Aug-2023,Manuscript No. AAPCCS -23-109680(R); Published:28-Aug-2023,DOI: 10.35841/aapccs-7.4.159

Citation: Perez S. Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine. J pharm Chem sci.2023;7(4):159


A compelling beginning remark that emphasises the revolutionary effects of pharmaceutical biotechnology on contemporary medicine and healthcare often opens an introduction.This section gives a precise explanation of pharmaceutical biotechnology and explains how it blends pharmaceutical research with the concepts of biology, genetics, and molecular biology to create novel therapeutic medicines. The introduction could touch on significant biotechnological developments that have transformed the pharmaceutical sector, like gene therapy, monoclonal antibodies, and recombinant DNA technology. This section discusses the prospects and difficulties in the discovery and production of biologics, such as therapeutic proteins, vaccines, and their biosimilars.[1].

The concept of personalized medicine and how pharmaceutical biotechnology is essential to customizing medicines to unique patient profiles could be included in the introduction.The regulatory features of pharmaceutical biotechnology products, such as approval procedures and adherence to legislation particular to biologics, may be briefly discussed by authors. The objectives and research issues addressed in the paper are specifically listed in this section of the introduction. It gives readers a clear idea of the study's objectives.[2].

It is possible to give a quick summary of the research approach and the biotechnology methods or processes that were looked into. In order to give readers a roadmap of what to expect in the rest of the study, the introduction finishes with an outline of the following sections of the research report. A strong beginning remark that emphasises the crucial contribution of pharmaceutical research to enhancing human health and quality of life often opens the introduction. The opening might discuss how pharmaceutical research advances our understanding of medicine, patient care, and results for public health. The effect of pharmaceutical research on the global pharmaceutical industry, its economic importance, and contributions to the healthcare economy are all topics that authors may cover. This section emphasises the processes from target identification to clinical trials as it discusses the function of pharmaceutical research in the discovery and development of new drugs.[3].

A specific therapeutic area or group of diseases that have benefited significantly from pharmaceutical research may be mentioned in the beginning, such as oncology, cardiovascular health, infectious diseases, or neurology. The authors discuss the value of their study to advancing the field of pharmaceutical sciences, addressing existing challenges, or introducing novel approaches. A strong beginning remark that emphasises the crucial contribution of pharmaceutical research to enhancing human health and quality of life often opens the introduction. The opening might discuss how pharmaceutical research advances our understanding of medicine, patient care, and results for public health.The effect of pharmaceutical research on the global pharmaceutical industry, its economic importance, and contributions to the healthcare economy are all topics that authors may cover.[4].

This section emphasises the processes from target identification to clinical trials as it discusses the function of pharmaceutical research in the discovery and development of new drugs. A specific therapeutic area or group of diseases that have benefited significantly from pharmaceutical research may be mentioned in the beginning, such as oncology, cardiovascular health, infectious diseases, or neurology. An attention-grabbing opening remark that emphasises the transformative effects of biotechnology on all facets of human existence and the natural environment usually opens the introduction.The definition of biotechnology in this section makes it apparent that it is a multidisciplinary area that uses biological systems, organisms, or their derivatives to produce or alter goods and procedures. Authors talk about the Writers may talk on how biotechnology has transformed medical study and healthcare, resulting in the creation of curative treatments, diagnostics, and personalized medicine. The importance of the research in developing biotechnology, resolving issues, or bringing new applications is discussed by the authors.It is possible to give a quick summary of the experimental or analytical procedures used in the research process.[5].


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