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Mini Review - Addiction & Criminology (2023) Volume 6, Issue 5

Overcoming challenges in the juvenile justice system: A comprehensive review.

Elizabeth Zagory *

Department of Behavioural Medicine, Lagos State University Ojo, Lagos, Nigeria

*Corresponding Author:
Elizabeth Zagory
Department of Behavioural Medicine, Lagos State University Ojo, Lagos, Nigeria

Received: 04-Oct -2023, Manuscript No. AARA-23-115643; Editor assigned: 05-Oct-2023, PreQC No. AARA-23-115643(PQ); Reviewed:19-Oct-2023, QC No. AARA-23-115643; Revised:24-Oct-2023, Manuscript No. AARA-23-115643 (R); Published:31-Oct-2023, DOI:10.35841/aara-6.5.172

Citation: Zagory E, Overcoming challenges in the juvenile justice system: A comprehensive review. Addict Criminol. 2023;6(5):172

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The juvenile justice system, designed to rehabilitate rather than punish young offenders, faces a myriad of challenges. Understanding and addressing these challenges are critical to ensuring that the system effectively serves its purpose of guiding young individuals toward positive and productive futures. This article provides a comprehensive review of the challenges within the juvenile justice system and explores potential solutions for a more just and rehabilitative approach. One major challenge is the inadequacy of rehabilitation programs within the juvenile justice system. Many facilities lack comprehensive and individualized programs that address the diverse needs of young offenders. A shift towards evidence-based interventions, counseling, and skill development can better equip juveniles with the tools needed to reintegrate into society successfully [1].

The juvenile justice system is not immune to the broader issues of racial and socioeconomic disparities within the criminal justice system. Minority and economically disadvantaged youth often face harsher treatment and receive fewer opportunities for diversion or alternative programs. Addressing these disparities requires systemic reforms, including cultural competency training for staff and the implementation of policies that promote equity. The school-to-prison pipeline remains a significant concern, as punitive disciplinary measures in schools can contribute to juvenile delinquency. Implementing restorative justice practices in schools, providing mental health support, and addressing the root causes of disruptive behavior can help break this harmful cycle and keep young individuals out of the juvenile justice system [2].

Many juveniles within the justice system have underlying mental health issues that often go unaddressed. A lack of mental health services and resources contributes to a revolving door of young individuals entering and re-entering the system. Strengthening mental health assessments, providing access to counseling, and establishing partnerships with mental health organizations can address this critical gap in the system. The conditions in juvenile detention facilities can impact the rehabilitation process. Overcrowding, violence, and inadequate resources hinder a positive environment for growth and change. Investment in facilities that prioritize rehabilitation, education, and mental health services can create spaces that genuinely foster rehabilitation rather than exacerbate the challenges young individuals face [3].

Ensuring that every juvenile has access to competent legal representation is essential for a fair and just system. Disparities in legal representation often lead to unequal outcomes. Efforts should focus on providing quality legal representation for all juveniles, regardless of their socioeconomic background, to guarantee fair and equitable treatment [4].

Communities play a crucial role in the rehabilitation process. Lack of community involvement and support can hinder successful reintegration. Strengthening community-based programs, involving families in the rehabilitation process, and fostering mentorship programs can provide a support system that helps prevent recidivism. The juvenile justice system should shift towards restorative justice practices that emphasize accountability, rehabilitation, and repairing harm. Encouraging dialogue between offenders and victims, as well as involving the community in the resolution process, promotes a more holistic and effective approach to justice [5,].


Addressing the challenges within the juvenile justice system requires a comprehensive and collaborative effort from policymakers, educators, communities, and the justice system itself. By focusing on rehabilitation, addressing disparities, providing mental health services, and implementing restorative justice practices, it is possible to create a juvenile justice system that truly serves the best interests of young offenders. A commitment to these reforms can contribute to breaking the cycle of juvenile delinquency and guiding young individuals towards positive and productive futures.


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