Journal of Diabetology

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Mini Review - Journal of Diabetology (2023) Volume 7, Issue 1

Individual differences in physiological responses to dietary modification in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus

Firo dehghan*

Department of Exercise Physiology, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

*Corresponding Author:
Firo dehghan
Department of Exercise Physiology
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences
University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

Received: 03-Jan-2023, Manuscript No. AADY-23-85550; Editor assigned: 05-Jan-2023, PreQC No. AADY-23-85550 (PQ); Reviewed: 18-Jan-2023, QC No. AADY-23-85550; Revised: 20-Jan-2023, Manuscript No: AADY-23-85550 (R); Published: 26-Jan-2023, DOI:10.35841/aady-7.1.132

Citation: Dehghan F. Individual differences in physiological responses to dietary modification in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus. J Diabetol. 2023;7(1):132

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The chapter includes current knowledge on nutritional recommendations for adults with diabetes from a number of scientifically informed guidelines and sites. It is intended to take these principles and provide an overview of practical applications and tips for health care practitioners who treat people with disabilities in one place. The parts are organised by nutritional content components with accompanying people with diabetes goals, as well as reviews of current nutritional subjects of interest, such as weight loss diets in the news. The information also contains sources for further investigation and resources that can be used by people with disabilities. In consideration of their ability to implement the changes. Education is best given by a team approach and should not simply be delivered by giving a person a one-size-fits all diet sheet. Referral to a diabetes selfmanagement education (DSMES) program that includes counselling and instruction on nutrition therapy by a registered dietitian nutritionist.


Nutritional diabetics, Diabetes self-management education, Dietitian nutritionist.


This chapter will synthesise current knowledge available from a number of scientifically supported guidelines and resources on nutritional recommendations for people with diabetes (PWD) for health care practitioners who treat them. The information supplied provides resources for additional review and investigation. The main takeaway message is that dietary regimens should be tailored to the needs of people with disabilities, taking into account their lifestyle, financial status, cultural background, and motivation. The current diabetes diet is based on clinical research concepts, portion management, and tailored lifestyle adjustments. It cannot simply be supplied by handing out a diet sheet in a one-size-fits-all manner.

Dietary therapy instruction

Diabetes self-management education programme that includes dietary therapy instruction. Dietary recommendations must be tailored to the specific PWD and approved by them. It is crucial to remember that diabetic dietary goals are comparable to those that healthy people should seek to incorporate into their lifestyle [1]. Leading authorities and professional organisations have decided that good nutrition therapy is an essential component of the foundation for diabetes management. However, for three fundamental reasons, effective dietary intervention, implementation, and final compliance with the plan continue to be some of the most difficult difficulties in diabetes care. First, there are certain dietary variables to consider depending on the type of diabetes and medication the PWD is taking. Nutritional intervention may differ depending on the type of diabetes; nevertheless, many of the fundamental dietary concepts are the same for all people with diabetes, prediabetes, metabolic syndrome, or who are overweight or obese [2]. Finally, there is not complete consensus among doctors on the best nutritional therapy for diabetics, and ongoing scientific disagreement publicised in the popular news may confuse PWD and health care providers. The following guidelines are based on consensus and highlight practical solutions for applying nutritional guidance for the majority of diabetics [3].

Sugar Alcohols (Polyols)

Polyols are hydrogenated monosaccharides that comprise sugars such as sorbitol, mannitol, erythritol, xylitol, and D-tagatose, as well as the hydrogenated disaccharides isomalt, maltitol, lactitol, and trehalose. This category also includes Hydrogenated Starch Hydrolysates [HSH] generated from polysaccharides [4]. Polyols are FDA-approved sweeteners and bulking agents. Polyols are only partially absorbed from the small intestine, allowing for the claim of lower calories per gramme. Polyols comprise around 2 kcals/gm, or half the calories of other nutritive sweeteners. Sugar alcohols generate a lower postprandial glucose response than sucrose or glucose, according to studies of people with and without diabetes. However, polyols can cause diarrhoea at ≥ 20 grams, especially in children. Although a diet high in polyols could reduce overall energy intake or provide long-term improvement in glucose control in diabetes, such studies have yet to be conducted [5].


A plethora of evidence from many experimental methodologies reveals significant connections between circadian, metabolic, and nutritional biology. These findings lay a solid platform for modelling the mechanisms behind temporal disparities in response to food intake. One restriction of the field is that little translational research in human participants has yet been conducted. Understanding how the circadian control of human metabolism affects postprandial physiology will have far-reaching ramifications for nutritional research. It will also show how scheduled nutritional intake may be used to mitigate some of the negative impacts of circadian misalignment that are experienced by a large number of people in modern society.


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