Case Reports in Surgery and Invasive Procedures

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Short Communication - Case Reports in Surgery and Invasive Procedures (2023) Volume 7, Issue 3

Exploring the different types of appendectomy procedures

Stewart Ritz *

Department of General Surgery, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Shaanxi, China

*Corresponding Author:
Stewart Ritz
Department of General Surgery
Xi'an Jiaotong University
Shaanxi, China

Received: 28-Apr-2023, Manuscript No. AACRSIP-23-97902; Editor assigned: 01-May-2023, PreQC No. AACRSIP-23-97902 (PQ); Reviewed: 15-May-2023, QC No. AACRSIP-23-97902; Revised: 19-May-2023, Manuscript No. AACRSIP-23-97902 (R); Published: 26-May-2023, DOI: 10.35841/aamor-7.3.141

Citation: Ritz S. Exploring the different types of appendectomy procedures. Case Rep Surg Invasive Proced. 2023;7(3):141

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The appendectomy has been the gold standard of therapy for appendicitis since it was originally described more than a century ago. A final therapy for appendicitis, appendectomy is a generally safe technique with a mortality incidence has increased in a percent. The two surgical techniques used for appendectomies are open and laparoscopic. In both noperforated and perforated appendicitis, laparoscopic surgery rates recently surpassed those of open surgery. Women of reproductive age, elderly patients, paediatric patients, pregnant patients, and obese patients are among the categories that benefit most from laparoscopic appendectomy. Laparoscopic appendectomy has a lower risk of wound infection, a shorter hospital stay, and lower rates of morbidity and death than open appendectomy. In addition to reviewing appendectomies, this exercise emphasises the need of the interprofessional team in assessing and caring for patients who have had appendicectomies [1].

Open appendectomy

The open appendectomy is the traditional method of removing the appendix. In this procedure, the surgeon makes a small incision in the lower right side of the abdomen and removes the appendix. Open appendectomy is a straightforward procedure that is effective in most cases. However, it requires a longer recovery time compared to other types of appendectomy procedures [2].

Laparoscopic appendectomy

Laparoscopic appendectomy is a minimally invasive procedure that involves making small incisions in the abdomen and using a camera and specialized surgical instruments to remove the appendix. Laparoscopic appendectomy is a popular option because it is less invasive than open appendectomy, resulting in less scarring, less pain, and a shorter recovery time.

Single-incision laparoscopic appendectomy

Single-incision laparoscopic appendectomy is a variation of laparoscopic appendectomy in which the entire procedure is performed through a single small incision in the belly button. This type of appendectomy results in minimal scarring and a shorter recovery time, but it is technically challenging and may not be suitable for all patients [3].

Robotic-assisted appendectomy

Robotic-assisted appendectomy is a minimally invasive procedure that uses robotic arms controlled by a surgeon to remove the appendix. This type of appendectomy offers increased precision and dexterity compared to traditional laparoscopic surgery. However, it is more expensive and may not be covered by all insurance plans [4].

Choosing the right procedure

The choice of appendectomy procedure depends on various factors, including the severity of appendicitis, the patient's age and health, and the surgeon's preference and experience. In general, laparoscopic and single-incision laparoscopic appendectomy is preferred for most patients due to their shorter recovery time and less invasive nature. However, in some cases, open appendectomy or robotic-assisted appendectomy may be the best option [5].


Appendectomy is a common surgical procedure that is necessary to treat appendicitis. There are different types of appendectomy procedures, each with its advantages and disadvantages. Patients should consult with their surgeon to determine the best option for their specific case. Regardless of the type of appendectomy procedure, proper postoperative care is crucial for a successful recovery.



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